i've fixed the iceroad rework up to a playable level(as people seem to be wanting to test it) as im happy with the layout at the moment, and ive uploaded it to: http://www.mediafire.com/?be951oq5cboaae3
this isn't the final revision and is a beta version
if you want to help to the best of your ability, organize an inter or a clan match on the map regardless of skill level(preferably with the use of teamspeak or a similar program) and pm me demos on the forum. you could also test it out on a public server but i'm already very confident it'll play fine on pubs regardless. i'm also open to any criticism of the map but not on the level of detail or the lighting, its rather basic in parts at the moment. i'm more concerned with the layout and how the game flows on the map.
on another note, as people seem to be bringing it up, ill state my own opinion on what maps should and shouldn't be removed.
- arid needs to be removed, to fix it would mean completely changing the map to something completely different with a ridiculous amount of work.
- aqueous does not need to be removed, the problems in it's layout in my opinion are easily fixable, and if the map wasn't so uneven it would be a great map.
- douze needs its flag spawns removed and to become unvoteable in team modes. it is only a 1vs1 map, and gets a really bad rep because of its appearance in public servers. also, the ffa spawns need to be fixed to be less ridiculous, with no spawns in the bottom area.
- snow is fixable if the CLA base was completely redesigned into a larger area, and pickups were better placed. otherwise it should be removed.
- keller needs either an overhaul akin to iceroad's or to be removed completely.
- rattrap should be unplayable in team modes, but i don't think it necessarily needs to be removed, as i think it plays well in 1vs1.
- scaffold should stay, it just appears to be underplayed.
- toxic should be completely removed, the layout makes absolutely no sense at all, the map is biased beyond repair, and it is more disgusting than a million rattraps i hate it.
- urban needs a serious rebalancing or to be removed, it only gets playtime because of its bias and hasn't picked up the rep aqueous has. the map was never designed for ctf, rather it was a tdm map, and just had flag spawns added.
i've also taken the liberty of attempting to test maps that i believe are capable of official status, so far only 3 in 2vs2 and 1 in 3vs3.
ac_nest - map with good gameplay, however some problems need to be cleared up
there is a ledge on the RVSF base that allows cover of most of the map while only showing the head, among other things. i think it should be an official map. i tested it in 2vs2 and it played really well, im not sure about 3vs3 however.
it seems like a really good 2vs2 map, but i think it needs to be tested a bit more, especially in a clan match.
ac_zanka - i really liked the way the map plays out, but the CLA base is designed horribly and is too cramped.
the RVSF base was really well designed in comparison however. there is also way too much shit blocking paths,
as well as some ridiculous camp spots that need to be clipped/removed. overall if these things are fixed it
should be an official map. not sure how well it will play in 3vs3, i doubt it will play well judging by its size(something like gothic) but in 2vs2 it plays superbly.
ac_cavern - the main problem i have with this map is you tend to get caught on everything and there isnt enough room to move throughout the map. if the map was a bit more level then it would be more playable in ctf, but at the moment it is way too cramped up. the layout however is great and it flows fine. in its current state it shouldn't be an official map.
ac_venison - i think its a great map for 3vs3, but the main issue is that the map is large and the sides dont interconnect at all while having sight of each other, which could be fixed. as with the other maps, it has little things that can be fixed. needs testing in a proper clan match.
this isn't the final revision and is a beta version
if you want to help to the best of your ability, organize an inter or a clan match on the map regardless of skill level(preferably with the use of teamspeak or a similar program) and pm me demos on the forum. you could also test it out on a public server but i'm already very confident it'll play fine on pubs regardless. i'm also open to any criticism of the map but not on the level of detail or the lighting, its rather basic in parts at the moment. i'm more concerned with the layout and how the game flows on the map.
on another note, as people seem to be bringing it up, ill state my own opinion on what maps should and shouldn't be removed.
- arid needs to be removed, to fix it would mean completely changing the map to something completely different with a ridiculous amount of work.
- aqueous does not need to be removed, the problems in it's layout in my opinion are easily fixable, and if the map wasn't so uneven it would be a great map.
- douze needs its flag spawns removed and to become unvoteable in team modes. it is only a 1vs1 map, and gets a really bad rep because of its appearance in public servers. also, the ffa spawns need to be fixed to be less ridiculous, with no spawns in the bottom area.
- snow is fixable if the CLA base was completely redesigned into a larger area, and pickups were better placed. otherwise it should be removed.
- keller needs either an overhaul akin to iceroad's or to be removed completely.
- rattrap should be unplayable in team modes, but i don't think it necessarily needs to be removed, as i think it plays well in 1vs1.
- scaffold should stay, it just appears to be underplayed.
- toxic should be completely removed, the layout makes absolutely no sense at all, the map is biased beyond repair, and it is more disgusting than a million rattraps i hate it.
- urban needs a serious rebalancing or to be removed, it only gets playtime because of its bias and hasn't picked up the rep aqueous has. the map was never designed for ctf, rather it was a tdm map, and just had flag spawns added.
i've also taken the liberty of attempting to test maps that i believe are capable of official status, so far only 3 in 2vs2 and 1 in 3vs3.
ac_nest - map with good gameplay, however some problems need to be cleared up
there is a ledge on the RVSF base that allows cover of most of the map while only showing the head, among other things. i think it should be an official map. i tested it in 2vs2 and it played really well, im not sure about 3vs3 however.
it seems like a really good 2vs2 map, but i think it needs to be tested a bit more, especially in a clan match.
ac_zanka - i really liked the way the map plays out, but the CLA base is designed horribly and is too cramped.
the RVSF base was really well designed in comparison however. there is also way too much shit blocking paths,
as well as some ridiculous camp spots that need to be clipped/removed. overall if these things are fixed it
should be an official map. not sure how well it will play in 3vs3, i doubt it will play well judging by its size(something like gothic) but in 2vs2 it plays superbly.
ac_cavern - the main problem i have with this map is you tend to get caught on everything and there isnt enough room to move throughout the map. if the map was a bit more level then it would be more playable in ctf, but at the moment it is way too cramped up. the layout however is great and it flows fine. in its current state it shouldn't be an official map.
ac_venison - i think its a great map for 3vs3, but the main issue is that the map is large and the sides dont interconnect at all while having sight of each other, which could be fixed. as with the other maps, it has little things that can be fixed. needs testing in a proper clan match.