(07 Sep 12, 11:22AM)Undead Wrote: the point of the post is to highlight that the development team isn't selective of a person's usefulness (or else you'd see stuff getting done) but rather of their relationship with the other developers.
To directly address your concern,
It works the other way around. People who can get things done become developers and, by developing and contributing, develop a close relationship with the other developers. On the other hand, people like you who continually have negative or sardonic/sarcastic things to say give the community no motivation to accept their contributions. You constantly offer us a cool map in one hand and slap us with the other. Stop your mocking and whining and use your time to make some more win maps.
Things are getting done, but you can't tell because you can't be bothered to download the SVN, test it out, and provide constructive feedback.
On a side note,
Are you really sure you want my attention?