One small step for mummy, one giant floating leap for mummy kind.
No one is trying to bring you down Paul, see it really is all about you isnt it! At the end of the day I do go to India and get involved in humanitarian work as I have done in many countries inclueding my own, I dont shout about it or want praise for it, I certainly would not interupt people expressing grief about someone who had died with it.

And tbh I find people who try to preach and convert others quite distastefull, dont talk do! do not judge others, you have no idea what they do, do not spout pretencious crap at people all day long to make yourself feel better, you did nothing to help anyone by posting your crap, infact you probably cemented the idea that all humanitarian work is done by people like you and put people off from getting involved!

Dont try to make people feel guilty, they may have a better life but guilt is not the answer, compasion is what they will hopefully feel and it comes not from preaching but information...
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RE: One small step for mummy, one giant floating leap for mummy kind. - by DES|Anderson - 01 Sep 12, 05:27PM