One small step for mummy, one giant floating leap for mummy kind.
meh I hate this shit, but I'm gonna say one thing;

Being a great humanitarian and helping the starving is great but you dont get that from one summer at a camp and online preaching. Real great people who really helped the starving and opressed do not spend their time shouting at others about starving chidren, oh no they are delivering food, teaching in schools, buiding houses, installing fresh water supplies.

Now it does not matter what the numbers are, or who said this or who said that. What really matters is what you do everyday to help, dont judge others, encorage them. Dont flame war and belittle people go and do something usefull. And you will know when you are really great because you wont feel the need to tell everyone else about it.

Just in case you want to follow my advice check out this project it does so much and yet asks for no recognition at all...
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RE: One small step for mummy, one giant floating leap for mummy kind. - by DES|Anderson - 01 Sep 12, 08:52AM