AC on non-x86/ppc architectures?
cd source/enet
./configure  # I knew I forgot something
sudo make install
cd ../src
make server
cp ac_server ../../bin_unix/native_server
cd ../..
That should work (server only). If you want the client as well, just do 'make install' in source/src, but you'll need all the dependencies.
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Messages In This Thread
AC on non-x86/ppc architectures? - by Iguana - 31 Aug 12, 03:16AM
RE: AC on non-x86/ppc architectures? - by Jg99 - 31 Aug 12, 01:35PM
RE: AC on non-x86/ppc architectures? - by tempest - 31 Aug 12, 01:46PM
RE: AC on non-x86/ppc architectures? - by Jg99 - 02 Sep 12, 03:37AM