(25 Aug 12, 10:14PM)Ronald_Reagan Wrote: Otherwise you might as well just add some sort of status box to a website and have the same result.
Twitter provides an API for accessing one's timeline, if you plan on making a players finder, you don't have to bother how to get a list of the most popular servers: I did it for you and the list is parser friendly (it's one less thing you'd have to code). It's definately not the same as re-inventing the wheel by coding something yourself and upload it on a random server, since you don't have to maintain that twitter servers list (I do), and you benefit from twitter's ergonomic web interface.
Another PoC I would like to pull off: make a twitter account for an ac server, make the server pull it's timeline from it, and make it execute the commands in the status (aka web server administration tool). All the authentication would be processed through OAuth (and SSL), and you wouldn't have to connect to the server in order to change the map, etc.
Or I could make it so the server shares its blacklist on its twitter account…
So many possibilities with such a service :) Only thing I regret: the low amount of status updates available.