Oak Creek Shooting
Anything imaginable could work, I guess eugenics too, but I wouldn´t know the point.
But the stupid article in wikipedia seems written by an ass, so I didn´t get a damn thing.
For what I gather, it talks about genetic development, but for me, we as human beings, have gone beyond genetic evolution.
Now we must develop our conscience, and that is what will affect our genes, we are not longer linked to nature, but have been given the power to surpass its limits.
Would that force be going towards positive attitudes associated with known ways of economic social interaction, based in teachings, writings, programs, projects; developed by people proven to be pure in intentions, and not consumed by selfish ambitions, a huge improvement would be bound to happen, and the world as we know it would be a happy place to live in for EVERY HUMAN BEING.
But nowadays people complaint but still have their Nike shoes, drive their Ford car, use their Mastercard and wipe their ass with Kleenex...
The stupidity of having to choose a brand still amazes me. Why are there different types of everyday objects? A hammer is a fucking hammer!
I only understand specialization when regarding sports or forced by work nature, but for everyday appliances? Different microwaves? WTF! One appliance of each, universal, should, would, could and DOES suffice and work without failure for every need in our planet.
The shit is totally crazy, and we are to blame.
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Messages In This Thread
Oak Creek Shooting - by .JK. - 05 Aug 12, 08:03PM
RE: Oak Creek Shooting - by Nightmare - 05 Aug 12, 08:20PM
RE: Oak Creek Shooting - by MorganKell - 05 Aug 12, 10:05PM
RE: Oak Creek Shooting - by RCJD - 06 Aug 12, 02:32AM
RE: Oak Creek Shooting - by paulmuaddibKA - 06 Aug 12, 02:59AM
RE: Oak Creek Shooting - by MykeGregory - 06 Aug 12, 09:16AM
RE: Oak Creek Shooting - by paulmuaddibKA - 06 Aug 12, 04:42PM
RE: Oak Creek Shooting - by #M|A#Wolf - 06 Aug 12, 06:29PM
RE: Oak Creek Shooting - by Kakarrot - 06 Aug 12, 06:40PM
RE: Oak Creek Shooting - by Oracle - 07 Aug 12, 02:51AM
RE: Oak Creek Shooting - by Bullpup - 08 Aug 12, 12:44AM
RE: Oak Creek Shooting - by paulmuaddibKA - 08 Aug 12, 02:07AM
RE: Oak Creek Shooting - by MykeGregory - 08 Aug 12, 09:54AM
RE: Oak Creek Shooting - by paulmuaddibKA - 08 Aug 12, 04:09PM
RE: Oak Creek Shooting - by Bullpup - 12 Aug 12, 07:12PM
RE: Oak Creek Shooting - by MykeGregory - 12 Aug 12, 07:44PM