// Name: markeloff
// Ban date: 2 / 8 / 12
// Ban reason: Wallhack
// Proof : http://www.mediafire.com/?l4ypcuol4g3yoxx
markeloff only plays esl afaik, he disconnected at the second after the intermission, so i dont have his ip sorry. The game was played on ferric.tk 1492, is there a way of getting his ip ?
EDIT : got the ip, thanks to jackrock and hgf-arg
// Ban date: 2 / 8 / 12
// Ban reason: Wallhack
// Proof : http://www.mediafire.com/?l4ypcuol4g3yoxx
markeloff only plays esl afaik, he disconnected at the second after the intermission, so i dont have his ip sorry. The game was played on ferric.tk 1492, is there a way of getting his ip ?
EDIT : got the ip, thanks to jackrock and hgf-arg