Name conflicts need not happen!
Simply call your map "think3r_foundation" or something like that, so that it won't get overwritten by another persons map. Another bonus of this naming scheme is that it groups all maps by their creator and you can use the tab button to scroll through a person's maps in game.
ex: I can go in game and type "/map apollo" and then hit tab to see all the maps I have by apollo.
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Messages In This Thread
Foundation - by Think3r - 29 Jul 12, 11:44AM
RE: Foundation - by X-Ray_Dog - 30 Jul 12, 03:45AM
RE: Foundation - by Oracle - 30 Jul 12, 04:10AM
RE: Foundation - by X-Ray_Dog - 30 Jul 12, 04:20AM
RE: Foundation - by Think3r - 30 Jul 12, 05:25AM
RE: Foundation - by DogDancing - 30 Jul 12, 08:06PM
RE: Foundation - by Lantry - 02 Aug 12, 06:30PM
RE: Foundation - by Frogulis - 03 Aug 12, 09:04AM
RE: Foundation - by Oracle - 02 Aug 12, 06:58PM
RE: Foundation - by Think3r - 03 Aug 12, 08:02AM