Poll: What is your opinion about moderation?
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Mods need to be harsher and moderate more.
23 50.00%
It's fine the way it is.
21 45.65%
Mods are too harsh and shouldn't be so mean.
2 4.35%
Total 46 vote(s) 100%
* You voted for this item. [Show Results]

Clarification of rules and penalizations
The following are the rule breakers in this thread alone, now I am not saying they need to be warned just pointing out that if the rules were enforced the following people in this thread broke them! I would also like to point out that I have used the report button a number of times, the first few times I got a response after that nothing, many times I reported JG99 for advertising links see rule 27. Advertising for a for-profit product or service is forbidden except with special permission from the forum admins. So actually the report button only works if the mods want to apply the rules that day, any other time you may as well send a memo to the pope it would be more effective...


Rancid.Nancy.Regan needs to die in a fire. Remember zARGe ? exactly...

Clearly breaks the following rule;
5. Be civil and show respect to other users on the forums. Keep personal attacks and other types of flaming off of this forum.

and with 1Cap he has broken the following rules in this thread;

14. Do not post new problems on someone else's thread and interrupt a topic of discussion.
15. Do not use someone else’s thread for a private conversations. Use the PM feature.

RE: Clarification of rules and penalizations

ExodusS* breaks rule

14. Do not post new problems on someone else's thread and interrupt a topic of discussion.

#M|A#Wolf already covered Link and paul in thread



Fuck off mods, let´s anarchy begins ... ;)

breaks rules

24. Do not excessively use curse words in your thread(s) and/or post(s), your messages will be read by a wide range of age groups.
8. We understand that english is not the first language to many of our users, but do your best to use English (if possible), proper spelling, grammar, etc.
Thanks given by:

Messages In This Thread
RE: Clarification of rules and penalizations - by DES|Anderson - 02 Aug 12, 08:34AM
RE: Clarification of rules and penalizations - by Harps - 04 Aug 12, 11:45AM