31 Jul 12, 11:52PM
I heart Misty's post. Re-add Thanks button!!
As for the topic,
1. I do not and will not recognize aforementioned rules and or any references to said rules because they were posted by a gomer ass BITCH (Rule ?).
2. My awesomeness will not allow me to do the above. It is a natural condition. Nothing I can do about it xept drink MOAR and hope that works.
3. As my lethal sensuality and spine tingling shotgun-erotic ass was here long before any vanilla lollipop gagging chode riffer named jraZ came on the scene the super sizzle shimmy slam deep inside my battle hardened core refuses to accept said bitch and or acknowledge such pithy attempts at moderating my homeland.
4. Given the saucy pants awesomeness of certain moderators I do and am able to respect said rules in certain situations. Mostly due to this "old boys" club someone was bitching about earlier. Only reason y'all was whining is cuz ya ain't in it. Earn your stripes like a man and join it. Novel concept I know...
5. KH FTW!!
6. Habluka is a badass.
7. If any of yee wish to bitch and or need to get something off your chest about the moderation of our forums please feel free to leave me a message on my answering machine. My number is 1-800-IDGAF. That said I really am interested in knowing what y'all think so please message me if I like you and I will reply with quite intelligent reasoning. If I don't like you and you know it... I do accept gifts.
Have a nice day ;)
As for the topic,
1. I do not and will not recognize aforementioned rules and or any references to said rules because they were posted by a gomer ass BITCH (Rule ?).
2. My awesomeness will not allow me to do the above. It is a natural condition. Nothing I can do about it xept drink MOAR and hope that works.
3. As my lethal sensuality and spine tingling shotgun-erotic ass was here long before any vanilla lollipop gagging chode riffer named jraZ came on the scene the super sizzle shimmy slam deep inside my battle hardened core refuses to accept said bitch and or acknowledge such pithy attempts at moderating my homeland.
4. Given the saucy pants awesomeness of certain moderators I do and am able to respect said rules in certain situations. Mostly due to this "old boys" club someone was bitching about earlier. Only reason y'all was whining is cuz ya ain't in it. Earn your stripes like a man and join it. Novel concept I know...
5. KH FTW!!
6. Habluka is a badass.
7. If any of yee wish to bitch and or need to get something off your chest about the moderation of our forums please feel free to leave me a message on my answering machine. My number is 1-800-IDGAF. That said I really am interested in knowing what y'all think so please message me if I like you and I will reply with quite intelligent reasoning. If I don't like you and you know it... I do accept gifts.
Have a nice day ;)