mapmodel numbers?
Snoosnoo Wrote:To manipulate these four numbers, you can press 1-4 (the height being 3) and using the scroll wheel, you can elevate it, or lower it.
If you do this in co-op edit, it'll desync across clients! You can do this first then push semicolon on your keyboard for an entset call (change nothing and push enter) to sync it across clients.
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Messages In This Thread
mapmodel numbers? - by MerCyKiL - 24 Jul 12, 03:21PM
RE: mapmodel numbers? - by tempest - 24 Jul 12, 03:25PM
RE: mapmodel numbers? - by Snoosnoo - 24 Jul 12, 04:03PM
RE: mapmodel numbers? - by Felix-The-Ghost - 24 Jul 12, 09:08PM
RE: mapmodel numbers? - by MerCyKiL - 25 Jul 12, 04:27PM