~TgS~ is Back Online (2nd Anniversary) Updated!
[Image: TgSClanBanner.jpg]

As the title suggests, the Top Gunner Squad clan is back online. After the renounce of this clan, we hereby revive and resurrect what remains to continue the ~TgS~ legacy. Personally, I never felt like applying to any other clan while being clanless. It was just not right. Many players might have a similar feeling when they play without their clan tag, without their passion. :)

This came all of a sudden when one of my clan members motivated me on leading ~TgS~ again. I felt it is about time to end this inactivity and really start on a new page, a new journey which will foretell the honorable stories of the clan once again.

Also, congratulations ~TgS~ on your 2nd anniversary (24th of July), this will be a token of appreciation to the clan and clan members. Forever lives ~TgS~!

After we recouped our members, our current roster is as follows:



Clan Leader | Clan Member

~TgS~ is now looking for strong applicants. If you have unique skills in AC, you're more than welcomed to apply @ our forums. We boast a friendly and mature community with the required traits for a unique AC gameplay.

What traits?

Our clan has now its own dedicated servers. The ~TgS~ Server can be found at regular list of server in-game. We have 2 servers, one private and the other public with 20 player slots! Both servers are on 24/7 full-time service ready for the starving AC gamer. Our servers are hosted on professional virtual private servers situated in UK London. Pings are more than suitable and entertaining for the hardcore AC gamer! Our servers are constantly customized and administrated on the go.Moreover, these servers are hit-reg fixed!

See you in our server!

Typically, we have also setup URL redirect for the server to manually join via connect whenever the user needs to. You can go as follows:
For our 20 player public server:
/connect tgs.aa.am 8888
For our 8 player private server:
/connect tgs.aa.am 5555 match

VoIP Channel

~TgS~ now has its own voice communication channel. We currently use Teamspeak for our in-game and casual voice communications. Thanks goes to BoB for letting us add our own channel to their TS3 server.

Teamspeak server IP:
Channel: ~TgS~

Many people might know this site but this will serve as a reminder. Our clan also has its own site. Applicants can apply there and members can interact successfully. You can introduce yourself there and might as well surf our site as a guest. Our site is maintained by ~TgS~Google who has showed great dedication and expertise in his work.

Site: http://tgsforum.co.cc

IRC Channel
Well most AC clans have this, and so does ~TgS~. If you want to chitchat, report, give feedback, or just have fun, don't hesitate to join our IRC channel.

IRC Server: irc.gamesurge.net
Channel: #~TgS~
Quick Link: http://tinyurl.com/TgSchannel

We are looking forward for exquisite applications and further enhancements to the whole clan community. Challenges are ahead, and here we come! :)

Credits goes to Exia for the banner.
Thanks given by:

Messages In This Thread
~TgS~ is Back Online (2nd Anniversary) Updated! - by elite| - 24 Jul 12, 05:39PM