What Accent/Dialect do you have?
Even though Robtics would say that my accenct is pretty much "Bayerisch" (Bavarian) I say in my sentences there´s often a wonderfull little pinch of Franconian/"Fränkisch" ("Horch a mol, i glaub du bisd a weng debberd!"). Beside that I speak standard German, a little bit "Schwäbisch" (Swabian) here and there. And if I won´t to joke around "Sächsisch" (Saxon).
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Messages In This Thread
RE: What Accent/Dialect do you have? - by ärkefiende - 23 Jul 12, 06:01PM
RE: What Accent/Dialect do you have? - by Jg99 - 30 Jul 12, 08:57AM