23 Jul 12, 04:00AM
Is this sh*t thread still opened? I think everything important concerning to it has been said already. I learned something tho, now when you are suspicious on someone (or mad at him) post a thread on the forum to ruin his reputation. Xenon, I know Ac is everything you have in your life, and that's why you came back here without any shame, but that doesn´t give you the right to come and post accusations against anyone you don´t like or hate. There are manners, you could ask several people's opinions about this without posting. I'm sorry to say that you are the only noob that has been blacklisted for wallhacking. I have tons of demos like this one, but I know that wallhacks can´t be proven by demos so I kept them to myself. And as I said before: "The only way to be caught wallhacking is to be dumb enough to post a screenshot and send it to somebody".
Please any moderator close this thread.
Please any moderator close this thread.