(20 Jul 12, 11:48PM)Link Wrote: Knight*You are an asshole.
This guy activates an explosion (some say it was of tear gas, but there is no confirmation yet), and shoots into the audience. Some people did not initially flee because they thought it was part of the movie (the guy was able to enter the theatre unnoticed among the dressed up fanboys because he had a mask or a helmet). Rumor has it the number has escalated to 14, while some idiot made a prank call saying that another one was dead.
The fans' excitement building up to this movie, the work that Christopher Nolan and others have put into this (4 years of planning I believe), can all be overshadowed by the actions of one madman (possibly two, but that was unconfirmed).
And that is all you can post. Fuck you.
I saw a nice idea on reddit this morning - since most of the injured were children, teenagers, young people, etc., have Christian Bale come as the Batman to visit the 12/14 injured people, to sorta give these kids some hope/reassurance (since now some people will obviously associate this movie to the shootings - People have already begun selling their movie tickets in fear), that their "hero" is there for them. Whether this would actually happen, I don't know (I'm a bit skeptical), but it would be a nice gesture.
(20 Jul 12, 11:58PM)Link Wrote: I also heard that the gunman, James Holmes, had boobytrapped his apartment with bombs so the authorites couldn't get any evidence on the guy.No, he told them after he was arrested I believe.