Leaving AC
I havent read the log and I will take Anderson for granted when I say that IRC is not the best place for a player to "grow" friends with anyone. Ive been there only a few times, mostly to ask questions (most were answered! some not...) but people who linger there do so just to be assholes and such.
They have their inside jokes and wont care if you are there just to pass some time or tell some funneh stories, cause they only care about their IRC buddies. Clear example is Flami, the little brat who, just cause he doesnt like me, kicked me out of B s IRC (the second time I connected), when I was there to hang with ma buddies Nightmare and Evan, among others.
I say you stick with the game and maybe with the forums, just ignore Flami, as I have done, and there will be one less person to care about.
Someone is giving you bullshit in a thread? Ignore.
Someone is an ass and behaves like one? Ignore.
IRC? Ignore.
This game revolves around its gameplay, this features are nice add ons that just make you interact with a part of its community, too bad they are so closed and full of shit.
Please stay Link, and think about us who like you!
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Messages In This Thread
Leaving AC - by Link - 13 Jul 12, 07:35AM
RE: Leaving AC - by X-Ray_Dog - 13 Jul 12, 07:36AM
RE: Leaving AC - by Link - 13 Jul 12, 07:37AM
RE: Leaving AC - by X-Ray_Dog - 13 Jul 12, 07:39AM
RE: Leaving AC - by Link - 13 Jul 12, 07:49AM
RE: Leaving AC - by Shorty - 13 Jul 12, 03:16PM
RE: Leaving AC - by VenteX - 13 Jul 12, 03:31PM
RE: Leaving AC - by Oracle - 13 Jul 12, 07:39AM
RE: Leaving AC - by Oracle - 13 Jul 12, 07:51AM
RE: Leaving AC - by #M|A#Wolf - 13 Jul 12, 08:16AM
RE: Leaving AC - by DES|Anderson - 13 Jul 12, 08:36AM
RE: Leaving AC - by Foo - 13 Jul 12, 08:55AM
RE: Leaving AC - by titiPT - 13 Jul 12, 09:24AM
RE: Leaving AC - by pweaks - 13 Jul 12, 10:07AM
RE: Leaving AC - by MykeGregory - 13 Jul 12, 10:51AM
RE: Leaving AC - by Xenon - 13 Jul 12, 11:21AM
RE: Leaving AC - by Cemer - 13 Jul 12, 11:41AM
RE: Leaving AC - by paulmuaddibKA - 13 Jul 12, 01:42PM
RE: Leaving AC - by Andrez - 13 Jul 12, 01:54PM
RE: Leaving AC - by paulmuaddibKA - 13 Jul 12, 01:57PM
RE: Leaving AC - by tempest - 13 Jul 12, 04:37PM
RE: Leaving AC - by bballn45 - 13 Jul 12, 05:45PM
RE: Leaving AC - by titiPT - 13 Jul 12, 06:11PM
RE: Leaving AC - by bballn45 - 13 Jul 12, 06:25PM
RE: Leaving AC - by Xenon - 13 Jul 12, 07:02PM
RE: Leaving AC - by Link - 13 Jul 12, 07:36PM
RE: Leaving AC - by Shorty - 13 Jul 12, 07:40PM
RE: Leaving AC - by Link - 13 Jul 12, 08:15PM
RE: Leaving AC - by MorganKell - 13 Jul 12, 08:12PM