20 Aug 10, 10:17AM
(20 Aug 10, 02:22AM)|BC|Wolf Wrote:I was not doing that and many many stupid players said I was spamming - so I understood it was a pretext because they were not able to kill me.(20 Aug 10, 12:49AM)Drakas Wrote: Is there something stopping you from getting nades in 1.0? :)There is a difference of getting armor to help myself not die so easily while using my gun, while nades is mostly used by people that want to get easy kills cause their aim isn't that great at that moment, or they are lazy. My point, armor is used as a tactic, in 1.0 people started using them just to kill easily by throwing them anywhere they thought an enemy would pop out ;]
Then for armour : when you are dead, sorry you CAN'T pick up them;
also it's not a strategy anymore
before it was : there was 1 or 2 kevlars at the middle of the map and you had to keep control of them, it was part of strategy
now with helmets, they are everywhere, even in base, you just have to walk on them and you become stronger. So it's not a strategoy anymore, just a pickup hunt.