the new Brazillian Popular Music (MPB)
I'm part of the caucasian middle class, funk carioca isn't a reality around here. We still listen to LegiĆ£o, Mamonas, Cansei de ser sexy and bossa nova... funk only reaches poor suburbs and favelas, indeed. And most of the country is poor, that's what our music has become. But... you have to admit it's hilarious lyrics. I mean, a person has to be demented to write something like this:

If a slap doesn't hurt, I'll tell you
Gonna cheat on you, wanna see you go fuck yourself
I did all the work in the house and you didn't care
Now that I'm a whore you wanna talk about love
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RE: the new Brazillian Popular Music (MPB) - by Misty - 11 Jul 12, 11:33PM