the new Brazillian Popular Music (MPB)
I am not saying what is good (in fact, this is a piece of shit to my taste), but this is the real "brazilian popular culture".
And so, you really do not understand what is popular... and must probably, you misunderstand your own culture (if you are brazilian).
Those musics show things that happen in the brazilian poor suburbs and slums, far away from the manipulated media, or the fantasy world of the "petty bourgeois".
This is sad, but it is true... and just because some people around here close their eyes to the issue, it does not mean it will vanish.

And the most interesting aspect is that these manifestations are regional. The first I showed is called "brega", and it is really strong in the North side of the country (mainly in ParĂ¡ State). The second one, is the Rio de Janeiro's funk.

Let me translate another "good" funk for you.
It is called "I left my husband"
You was just beating me
And going to the parties
I was left alone, waiting for you
I screamed and cried like a crazy...
Thank you very much but now I became a hooker...

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Messages In This Thread
RE: the new Brazillian Popular Music (MPB) - by Brahma - 11 Jul 12, 10:04PM