10 Jul 12, 07:31PM
Actually I do not know. I deleted some keywords that seemed useless and voila, it works!
// This file gets executed every time you start AssaultCube.
// This is where you should put any scripts you may have created for AC.
if (! (strstr $mapstartalways tkchk)) [add2alias mapstartalways [sleep 1000 [tkchk]]] []
alias "tkchk" [
if (! (strcmp (at $conline 0) "3you")) [] [
addOnLoadAlways [fog 1024]
alias srymsgpre ["Sorry " "I'm sorry " "Oops sorry, " "Sorry about that " "My mistake, "]
alias iaoytmsgpre ["WTF are you doing, " "Come on, " "What was that, " "Stop that " "OMG, "]
alias srymsgpost [", I really did not want to do that." ", that was an accident." ", it was unintentional." ", it won't happen again." ", my bad."]
alias iaoytmsgpost [", I am on your team!" ", that was my favourite camping place!" ", you behave like a rookie" ", don't do that again!" ", stop teamkilling!"]
if (strstr $conline "you fragged teammate ") [alias plrname (at $conline 3);sleep 500 [voicecom sorry (concatword (at $srymsgpre (rnd 5)) $plrname (at $srymsgpost (rnd 5)))];]
if (strstr $conline "you gibbed teammate ") [alias plrname (at $conline 3);sleep 500 [voicecom sorry (concatword (at $srymsgpre (rnd 5)) $plrname (at $srymsgpost (rnd 5)))];]
if (strstr $conline "you splattered teammate ") [alias plrname (at $conline 3);sleep 500 [voicecom sorry (concatword (at $srymsgpre (rnd 5)) $plrname (at $srymsgpost (rnd 5)))];]
if (strstr $conline "you slashed teammate ") [alias plrname (at $conline 3);sleep 500 [voicecom sorry (concatword (at $srymsgpre (rnd 5)) $plrname (at $srymsgpost (rnd 5)))];]
if (strstr $conline "you headshot teammate ") [alias plrname (at $conline 3);sleep 500 [voicecom sorry (concatword (at $srymsgpre (rnd 5)) $plrname (at $srymsgpost (rnd 5)))];]
if (strstr $conline "you were fragged by teammate ") [alias plrname (at $conline 5);sleep 500 [voicecom imonyourteamman (concatword (at $iaoytmsgpre (rnd 5)) $plrname (at $iaoytmsgpost (rnd 5)))];]
if (strstr $conline "you were gibbed by teammate ") [alias plrname (at $conline 5);sleep 500 [voicecom imonyourteamman (concatword (at $iaoytmsgpre (rnd 5)) $plrname (at $iaoytmsgpost (rnd 5)))];]
if (strstr $conline "you were slashed by teammate ") [alias plrname (at $conline 5);sleep 500 [voicecom imonyourteamman (concatword (at $iaoytmsgpre (rnd 5)) $plrname (at $iaoytmsgpost (rnd 5)))];]
if (strstr $conline "you were splattered by teammate ") [alias plrname (at $conline 5);sleep 500 [voicecom imonyourteamman (concatword (at $iaoytmsgpre (rnd 5)) $plrname (at $iaoytmsgpost (rnd 5)))];]
if (strstr $conline "you were headshot by teammate ") [alias plrname (at $conline 5);sleep 500 [voicecom imonyourteamman (concatword (at $iaoytmsgpre (rnd 5)) $plrname (at $iaoytmsgpost (rnd 5)))];]
sleep 1 [tkchk]