(10 Jul 12, 05:13AM)Undead Wrote: the best system would take a good coder to implement.
i dont see the problem with the current system at the moment, the de facto match system agreed on by most clans works great, but if u want to improve on the current system then u could make a simple 2vs2/3vs3 CTF matchmaking system inbuilt into AC with maps such as arid, aqueous, etc removed. if u want to expand on that u can add a ranking system based on ELO or something like that. i'm not going to ramble on the specifics of such a system but thats the general idea.
100% agree (crossfire system behind?)
+ 7.5 minutes on each sides of the map, no unfair situations anymore, you have to improve that you are BETTER than your oponents on this map in anyway.
Like this, unfair maps like ac_desert3 or even ac_aqueous could be played without any problem!