(06 Jul 12, 08:01PM)Edward Wrote: tipi, do not quote rules and post one of those flame pick. It is just dumb. More over, this quote do not concern you so your opinion is not needed (since you are not french). If you do not care, many others do.
I will educate you and help you to understand :
I was referring to : "Compromise, conformity, assimilation, submission, Ignorance, hypocrisy, brutality, the elite ..."
I know RATM very well, and you were just ranting like a little girl. This thread is to discuss its topic, not for you to bitch about other french players. Besides, following your logic, the second line of my post was directed to J0ker, so it doesn't concern you and your opinion isn't needed.
(04 Jul 12, 02:25AM).ExodusS* Wrote: The question is "who will win?" and not "how many flags can they score in 15 minutes?".I couldn't care less about which clans ExodusS used as examples, but what he said in this quote is the heart of the issue and the reason that makes an "average clan league" so worthwhile.
Edit: just noticed this
(04 Jul 12, 10:58PM)Edward Wrote: Fuck all those AFK guys playing like noobs but who are your friends since "good old 0.93".
(06 Jul 12, 08:01PM)Edward Wrote: You are welcome and please, avoid personal attack and stay friendly.gg