06 Jul 12, 11:23PM
I do not know your modem and I do not know Mac OS but you need to do 2 things. You need to set your computer to use a static LAN IP and it may be best to set this to what it was when you open ports. You also need to set your router DHCP Server settings to only use IPs that are before or after that IP to avoid any chance of a conflict (most likely after your computers IP).
If you do not remember what you had before then do the above steps with a random IP and try to delete the original port or create another port and name it something like ACport2 and just see what happens.
I hope someone else will be able to tell you how to set a Mac to static ip.
If you do not remember what you had before then do the above steps with a random IP and try to delete the original port or create another port and name it something like ACport2 and just see what happens.
I hope someone else will be able to tell you how to set a Mac to static ip.