Douze is all well and good, to be honest. (Although I prefer Halo's edit of it! When are you going to update this?! This by the way has 85 less entities, appears better AND the spawns are better. Oh, and no flags. Fuck you ctf ac_douze whores) In pubs though with 20 people? Sorry, I'd rather dust any day. Not only is douze the problem, but as is desert (And dare I say arctic? Sorry Halo.)
The three of these maps are NOT pub maps. I suppose Ingress isn't either, but when do you ever see that played, even though it is a high quality 1vs1 map that focuses primarily on the team controlling the pick up? I've always thought of this. The server should be restricted with population, but the map should. This would prove better than allowing 20 people to join a server with power, and then douze, rather than a sever that changes in population between the map choice.
The three of these maps are NOT pub maps. I suppose Ingress isn't either, but when do you ever see that played, even though it is a high quality 1vs1 map that focuses primarily on the team controlling the pick up? I've always thought of this. The server should be restricted with population, but the map should. This would prove better than allowing 20 people to join a server with power, and then douze, rather than a sever that changes in population between the map choice.