(26 Jun 12, 10:54PM)titiPT Wrote: Are clans like B}, Pi, Hype, DyH and DES not stable? By the contrary.http://wiki.cubers.net/action/view/Premier_League#Table
Can you see them? Here we are talking about clans interested in doing matches. dyh is not in my timezone but I have always been denied by the others.
Yeah I have read it too and I can understand it but imo it is not a problem. I do not need help from anybody to play a match against another team and post it on the website. And I do not care if the guys who made the website are known or not.
oNe did not sign up (as w00p BoB FD and many others) but LC MyS aG Fmc 45 ... did. If you do not try it can not work.
I do not know EL but gignu is in LC so people who play CM may have played with him at least once (I did k). And this is a league about clan matches.
Btw the Tas league failed (some clans give up? Tas clan died?) and only "well known" clans were participating. Imagine with "average" clans :p