Poll: Would you like to see ACinter @ webpage & wikipage?
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Yes, i do.
37 77.08%
No, i don't.
11 22.92%
Total 48 vote(s) 100%
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ACinter @ assault.cubers.net & wiki.cubers.net
Quote:i assure you my opinion is valuable due to my experience with you as a clan mate and my experience with various people who hold positions of power in this game. you get power by ass licking rather than through respect(respect is the best way to hold power too, if you aren't able to be respected by the people you have power over you aren't worthy of your power), and then you go and abuse it.

Your experiences with me? as an ex clanmate and my expereinces with YOU, i could say that you're one of the biggest trolls in the community ( Ruining previous ACWC for example, trolling people in general ) and i have various people with power in this game who could backup my statement. Which ass licking exactly are you talking about? i invtented this project and i am founder of this project, " and then i go and abuse it" this whole post is a full nonsense bullshit i have ever heard.

Quote:allow me to break down your response.
you are stating that i am banned for trolling, but you have no evidence to back up your claims. threatening to extend my permanent ban for pointing out your immaturity definitely isn't helping your case. i'm not sure you know what maturity is, but it definitely isn't the ability to try to suck up to everyone. my post isn't out of grudge for a ban that you set years ago, rather its simply to warn the community of the problems associated with you in power.

Yes i do have evidence for my statement, ikljo was the person who banned you peremantly and he would gladly approve this.

Quote:yes you are

No, i am not.

Quote:i would gladly support an integration of an ac-inter like thing if a special child wasn't in charge of it.

Let me make it finally clear for you:

AC-inter DOES NOT need your support at any point, your support is clearly useless and superfluous.

- And im done replying to you anymore, further useless replies will be deleted by my request to moderators.
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Messages In This Thread
RE: ACinter @ assault.cubers.net & wiki.cubers.net - by BunnySoul - 19 Jun 12, 09:21AM