By round end spawns I assume he means the option to have a round based gamemode vs. a non round based gamemode (tosok vs. dm being the examples). Possibly he means that you should be able to set this by a vote before the game starts. Really this makes no sense other than him wanting to have a Deathmatch tosok mode.
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(27 Jul 11, 11:18PM)Viper Wrote: By round end spawns I assume he means the option to have a round based gamemode vs. a non round based gamemode (tosok vs. dm being the examples). Possibly he means that you should be able to set this by a vote before the game starts. Really this makes no sense other than him wanting to have a Deathmatch tosok mode.


Besides, CTF in a round would be interesting. How many flags could you get in ar ound. But, it would just be easier to disregard my post. Except the vote thing.
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Cemer you're utterly confusing. Are you talking about putting 3 lines of - say - CTF ac_mines with 3 minutes match-length into your maprotation .. or rather an equivalent of this w/o having to be able to write to the maprotation (read: be server-owner)?!?
And you haven't clarified your voting "suggestion" yet either - was my guess-work anywhere close to target?
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Lol sorry for my unclearness.

What I meant for the vote, it would be like a poll. It would just need a reason argument. It would be an ingame way of determining peoples opinions, instead of people typing: "Should we do this?" and the frag messages push away the replies from the console.

So, unarmed would type in: /poll[Should I change my name?]

And it would appear like the kick, ban, mode, map and etc. commands, on the bottom left corner with the numbers for votes yes or no.
It's just a community thing. It wouldn't change the server (by kicking players, or loading a new map). It's physically a survey. :/

Am I still confusing?
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Err... I find it hard to call a vote these days because there's so many votes going on. Polls won't help the situation.

Make a poll in offtopic if you need to make one.
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I was meaning like CLA has won this round.

Round score
cla: 1
rvsf: 0

Instead of frags and I would like this just for TOSOK as it shouldn't be a frag mode, it should be a round mode.
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Display server specifications(Is voting disabled? Does the server allow mastermode votes by non-admins? Is the server running a custom maprot?) via dialog/console upon selection.

Instead of adding various new modes, could we get one custom mode + some options that allow server owners/admins to configure their own mode? Maybe users can make their own mode and upload it to a server for others to download and play together. Options like:

- Round/Frag mode
- Team/FFA
- Health at spawn
- Armor at spawn
- Forced gamma
- Forced weapon
- Toggling all/some pickups
- Diminished spawn time
- etc.

Along with a parameter to specify which team(Or both) must obey these rules. Then we can assemble most of the requested modes ourselves along with many others none of us have imagined yet.

The problem I see with some of these options is they may fuck with anti-cheat.
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Your idea re:serverbrowser has already been discussed inside the dev-team,
especially with the advent of all the new flags AC-servers can have I find this is definitely needed. There are some issues to get nailed down though, before anything is done here. It needs to be clarified exactly what extra information is displayed and how, I'd prefer a set of icons or radio-button-like toggles for the most common stuff - like "allows coop", .. but there you go - there's a lot of different aspects to coop itself (upload map allowed for player or admin?) .. it means there'd have to be a good iconography or more states to each toggle than just on/off. Anybody willing to doodle up a sketch of how they'd imagine the serverbrowser to look with all data viewable - your input would be more than welcome.

Custom/Variable gamemode - this is not something I could imagine to be readily implementable - your own argument (at least) makes the result a questionable matter; some points on your list are simply not possible from the cubeengine. But some aspects could be made to work for all modes, like the toggling of pickups and/or spawn-state.
It'd make match-voting a lot more complex, but maybe that's a good thing ;-)
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Probably been brought up before, but I'll bring it up again, hopefully to re-ignite discussion about it...Mumble integration.
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Custom from the server control panel (not in-game).


Maybe already said but, Spheres light?
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Menu listing servers previously connected to.
/reconnect to last server played on.
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(01 Aug 11, 10:57PM).ExodusS* Wrote: Maybe already said but, Spheres light?
I'm not sure if the engine can do that, but if it can be modded to, it would be utterly fantastic.

(01 Aug 11, 11:03PM)Mael Wrote: Menu listing servers previously connected to.
/reconnect to last server played on.
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You can do that with the new hooks already - if we need more hooks, that's not the issue - but this should be somewhere to start scripting: (hint, wink-wink, nudge-nudge)
  1. event hook: onConnect
  2. info array: current server
  3. info array: add server
then also look for those commands occuring in vanilla-package menus and other scripting!
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Ability to vote to change someone to spectator.
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Re: the serverbrowser idea: why not just make the server info viewable in the same way that you can view the players in the server (hitting f4 or something iirc) only with a different key ofc.
so you have the server list as usual, but then you can hit f2 (just a suggestion, I don't know which keys are already used) and it will show the info about the server you have highlighted currently.
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Lantry: I believe that's what F9 does... correct me if I'm wrong.
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I'd just put server switch info into the extender server information dialog(Where each switch can be explained in detail) and a column next to servers in the browser listing those switches(Display only the first 8 or so).

Or do it like this:

[Image: serverbrowser2.png]

I don't think anyone really needs every server's ip and port displayed at all times and if they do it can be an option. But this way is much more concise. We could easily fit more info down there too. Look at all the excess fat on the right.

Also, the TSURV abbreviation should be shortened to TS. After all, /ts is the command. I'd say the same for SURV but I don't remember what the command is.

And the connection bar, the thing next to the ping in the image above, could stand a makeover. Instead of 3 blocks that change from grey, to red, to yellow, to green, why not one solid bar that fills up and changes color when it reaches various heights?

Can we get a /menucopy $alias command that copies the highlighted text into an alias?
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(04 Aug 11, 07:42PM)Mael Wrote: And the connection bar, the thing next to the ping in the image above, could stand a makeover. Instead of 3 blocks that change from grey, to red, to yellow, to green, why not one solid bar that fills up and changes color when it reaches various heights?

you mean like this?
[Image: serverquality.png]
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idk if this has been posted, but when selecting a map/mode, can a time length be added to it also?
like this would be the command:
/[gamemode] [map] [length of time]
ofc you would need a blocker on how long a round can last, 20 minutes sounds alright. otherwise, a bunch of ppl would load /tosok ac_desert 1440 , all day tosok ftw
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that's not what i was asking. i'm talking about when you are on a server, not constructing a server.
say we had a 1vs1, and we wanted to play tosok for 5 mins, well that server doesn't have it in their map rotation. could that custom time be loadable when it's not in the server's map rotation?
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(05 Aug 11, 06:28AM)JamJamTheCalcMan Wrote: a bunch of ppl would load /tosok ac_desert 1440 , all day tosok

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Possibility to download the demo after you are banned. (From the server list for exemple)
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That sounds like a convenient way to circumvent unfair banning or similar situations, but getting the demo from the server owner is safer than allowing demo downloading from unconnected clients, IMO.
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Make a noise (breathing?) whenever you stop moving.
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You hold your breath when you run?
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He can't hear it over that cash jangling in his pocket.
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I already make that sound in RL.
I get strange looks when I have visitors.
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A fart sound after several crouches (teabagging)

Edit: optional of course!
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/bind LSHIFT [crouch; fart.ogg]
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