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Player Model WIP
Background Story:
Some weeks ago i started modeling a character for ac, well i ended up with something that wouldn't fit in ac.

Anyways i was more or less successful with gettin it ingame.

So u ask urself and what now, well i started from scratch
and this is the 1st of many screens that will follow in the next weeks.
[Image: ac%20pm%20wip.png]

it shows the base mesh and some variations

not sure what things i will add...

Note: This isnt a Official ac Model and has nothing todo with the Dev Team! Suggestions welcome but keep in mind that it will stay lowpoly to fit in ac.
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looks good

with fps games, different player models have to be the same size right?
otherwise the one with the smaller model can frag the bigger ones easier, and the smaller model will be harder to frag
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I don't think it's that way yata. Otherwise people could make their own big playermodels and kill easily. The playermodel hitboxes are already there in-game and what the modders have to do, is make their model fit into the hitbox, so if it's too big, part of it if hit won't affect the player, or if too small, there will be empty spaces where you can hit it even though it doesn't touch the playermodel.
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"That looks like a child" was my first thought upon seeing the screenshots. You should check the proportions. The head is definately too large.
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I was using the swat model as a seize reference and ye on the 1st look, it rly
looks like a kid lol but well its not done yet and as soon as am done with the skin it will look different.

Quick Skinupdate

[Image: skinud.png]

As u can see am goin for a good visible look, havent finished it yet.
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Looks pretty neat. Keep up the good work, can't wait for you to finish :)
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"as soon as am done with the skin it will look different."

You can't mask off proportions with skin work.
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upate on skin variations

[Image: updateskn.png]

still not happy with the vest and uvmaps r goin to be ugly lol

yes ur right and thats why i changed/remodelled some parts of the model
the head is still not done, call me lazy :P
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that looks really cool nice job :D
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Finish it :)
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I wish I had skills like you...
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Hey guys can someone do a skin or clothes or nvm i think you got it it's for =Oe= clan
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Looks really great i must say, maybe they can be replaced in future releases if you get everything looking ok with animation and all.
This must consume at alot of time i guess
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You know what? I'm a bit miffed that you guys didn't press him about polygon count as much as you guys did for me. :/

:D Nah, just joking. Finally someone with enough skills to do something I suck at. Let's just hope his animation work is just as good.
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ye :D,
just came from work, am alrdy done with the skinning, made 4 different skins
just a bit lazy atm to make screens :P

Next final step (more or less final^^)
anims, will keep ya ppl updated on the progress!

*will upload some screens of the final skinned model soon

[Image: final4.png]

and now imagine them in red, with a CLA on the back ;)

comin soon (if am not lazy) the finished/animated model for ac
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Looks nice! GJ and keep it up.
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Nice, though I still find those proportions odd. I think the head is too large, and the legs too short for the torso.
It's hard to say though at that angle.
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What 3D modller are you doing it in. Blender? Maya? Etc.
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(17 Aug 10, 09:06PM)makkE Wrote: Nice, though I still find those proportions odd. I think the head is too large, and the legs too short for the torso.
It's hard to say though at that angle.

i thinked exactly the same thing.. anyway it's still a high quality work
but make it more tall and with smaller head
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No way, keep the heads that size.
* V-Man starts using sniper more...
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It's not a problem to scale it when its done, for the moment i just want to get it working ingame. The head size, depends on the POV, as u can see the model has a helmet and the headskin simulates goggles/ski-mask.

About the animations, am on it
be prepared :P
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well in that case really GJ J0linar, i'm sick of that quake model!
AC needs something original for it's main model :)
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This is awesome.

The second from the front is the best.

@V-Man: The model won't affect the hitbox. So don't bother.
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@ Lightning: Even if the hitbox wont increase, the head will still be more visible. But it'll be annoying to aim right between the eyes and you get no headshot ^^
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Quick update on animations


its a low Quality video size under 1mb
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Awesome. I can't wait for the final model.
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It is done
[Image: screen_ac.png?w=560]
The inofficial ac replacement player model

Download here or soon on quadroplis/akimbo

Akimbo http://www.akimbo.in/files/index.php?act=view&id=662

ingame screenshot
[Image: ingame_ac.png]
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W00t! Congrats, it looks great :)
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New pants please...
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Nice job! I think this model is still beta isn't it? The animations look pretty weird several times. Particularly these ones:

Jumping: I feel he he lifts his feet in some odd way, like a gymnast.
Crouching: The player doesn't walk while crouching, it glides through the floor without moving its feet.
Dead position: Player should be lying on the ground flat, but instead it falls with legs and feet facing up, somewhat like a dead cat.

The carbine isn't in your weapons folder, so I figure you forgot about doing it.

Hope my criticism will help you improve this wonderful job you've done :)

Tried to upload the pics but they would sometimes not work or only 1 would upload.
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