|40+|HollizT3r^ -faker
Heya :( I'm getting really tired of this posting here now of fakers xDDDD
-found another 40+faker..-gosh? :P

This time it's |40+|HollizT3r^ caught on HTN match server.

IP: 187.34.14.x
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For Impersonators.
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Shad, if you set up a nickname whitelist for you and your clan members i can add to my server and BoB ladder servers.
Then you wont have this problem there at least.
When first set up, its not that hard to maintain.
Just adding or removing members and IP ranges.

accept |40+|shad-99 IP-range-here and-IP-range-here-if-needed again-IP-range

accept |40+|shad-99

PM me here or on DES forum, or look me up in-game or on IRC.
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Wow how many fakers u have already? 40+? :DD
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