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When you get caught while cheating (i just hope none of the users feels touched here) you are just an IP address. No one cares about your nationality, race, skin colour, religion, language or if you have a penis or a vagina. WE ARE ALL FUCKING IP ADDRESSES HERE, SO STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT THAT SO CALLED RACISM.

Sorry for the rage, but it's just to let the retards (who feel victims) know that you are numbers and dots here. That's all.

Thank you for your patience.
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But the cheaters are human beings too... D: Not only numbers and dots!
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[Image: idgaf_s626x622_182683_580_RE_Fuck_That_M...182752.jpg]

Right, Andrez? :D
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Still amazes me that people actually get offended by all of this lol.
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I think this summarizes Andrez's post nicely
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(28 Nov 11, 10:25PM).ExodusS* Wrote: There were a lot of Brasilians cheaters but...
...I don't know why countries should pay for these idiots.
A lot of innocents already pay/paid/will pay (since brahma RQ) cause if IP ranges.

A lot of people will say "it's like that" but they are stupid, we can do something against it, we speak to mutch.
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(29 Nov 11, 03:51PM)ShadowFlameZ Wrote: I think this summarizes Andrez's post nicely

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[Image: 380085_309109375768503_199261733419935_1...5304_n.jpg]
Welcome to the internetz!
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So according to you we are all numbers?

Go tell him that!

[Image: tvtheprisonernumber6.jpg]
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He is separating the individual identity from the numbers.
What he is saying is the opposite of "we are all numbers."

Though, by now there is almost certainly at least one human being represented by each IP address. Banning an IP address will affect the human being who uses that address.
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Also, you are the same person as your brother. No difference. (or cousin, or friend)
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(30 Nov 11, 02:06AM)Ronald_Reagan Wrote: Also, you are the same person as anyone using your IP address. No difference. (brother, cousin, friend, packet sniffer across the street, IP spoofer from Wales)

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I take full offense, that's why I got a dynamic I.P I'm special :O
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(07 Dec 11, 01:07AM)xXSnipezXx Wrote: I take full offense, that's why I got a dynamic I.P I'm special :O
Dynamic IP adderesses are standered you have to pay for a static one, so your not that special sorry.
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Teheheh, I'm meant to have a static, in fact had a static until about 1 month ago ;)
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You dont have to pay for a static do u? or is that just Australia
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Rezobro, i have to pay for static ip for my ac servers
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