Do you want acinter bot into your channel?
Acinter project has grown and still growing, Almost most of ac channels at gamesurge are using our bot. It says when ever there's an inter going on or if someone is looking for clanwar, you can also request your own clanwar or make your own inter by going to #acinter channel @ gamesurge and typing : #inter or #cw . We update our bot daily, and we add new features each day,

How can i have acinter bot in my channel?

First of all you must be owner of your channel or get a perimission of your channel author to have our bot there.

After you done with that you can PM BunnySoul,Sanzo or ikljo at to get our bot, you can find them at #acinter channel.

I am experienced with Python,how can i help the project?

In such situation, we're hiring for coders, please PM BunnySoul or ikljo for more information. You can find them at #acinter channel

I am not experienced with Python & I am not a coder how can i still help the project?

We're currently not recruiting for staff, but you can still idle in our channel and tell your friends about us.


For more information,please visit us at #acinter channel @


-acinter Staff

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I'd like to mention that if anyone has any suggestions for a feature for the bot, or have any suggestions for improvements, post a reply and let us know. I am the main coder for the bot and the bot is hosted by BunnySoul 90% of the time while the other 10% of the time I host when BunnySo is unable to.

So if there is something you would like to see, let us know.
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I know there is supposedly another "CM" bot being made by some other people. I don't know how far along they are but well yeah.

Second, I wanted to ask how much bandwidth hosting the bot takes.

Additionally, eQ.| would be happy to have the bot but you should talk to MaiMeeTur about that.

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If MaiMeeTur wants it, he can write it here or get me on irc.
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I haven't paid any attention to bandwidth usage for the bot, but it shouldn't be anymore than that of your IRC client open 24/7. I don't think it would require much bandwidth anyways. The bot uses roughly 1,200K - 1,300K memory, I'm not exactly sure that is just a rough estimate. It isn't resource demanding at all and doesn't affect game play, so basically anyone can run it.

As for those other people making a "CM" bot, do you know who they are? I'd be interested in hearing what they would do differently.

We would be more than happy to add eQ.| to our list of channels for the bot if MaiMeeTur approves and as far as I know MaiMeeTur, I'm sure there would be no issue.

As BunnySoul already mentioned, acinter bot has changed drastically since I first coded the bot a few months ago. Many AC clan channels have the bot and it has become a useful tool for many when looking for matches.

We would appreciate any suggestions and we welcome anyone who wishes to help out or support us.
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I'm the owner of #xuclan and I think some of the Xu members would be glad to have the bot in the channel. :)

EDIT: @v - Thanks :)
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Alright then, its done hf & enjoy.
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I do believe that eQ.| would love to have the acinter bot in our channel


I'll PM if need be.
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Done, thanks for your interest and have fun.
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Thank you, and you're welcome :)
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