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Screen spikes/ cant see it very smooth.
After years of playing with 800x600 resolution i decided to try 1024x768, and suddenly my screen started to spike alot i cant see stuff smooth and aim correctly, i simply tried to return my resolution back to 800x600 but that didn't avoid this spike. I've very decent fps 300-500 and i have no idea WHAT IS GOING ON.
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Check your drivers and make sure you haven't accidentally downloaded the generic windows video driver. Two of my friends have done this now, and it put them down to 3fps or so.
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Start AC with -w800 -h600 in the commandline arguments (edit assaultcube.bat, assaultcube.sh or add it to the "advanced options" of Mac launcher) and see if there is any difference.
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Frogulis: As i pointed out in my thread my fps is pretty decent its 300-400 99% of the time.

Gibstick : i have windows - i dont use mac. Start AC with -w800 -h600 in the commandline arguments where's the commandline agruments?
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In the batch file I believe.
I'm not quite sure how to do this properly, but essentially you put -w800 -h600 in the batch file text.
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We tried troubleshooting over IRC but nothing worked ::((

It happened in Sauer as well after changing resolution to 1024x768 (lol idiot eh).
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Uhm, the screen-resolution your card works best at may not be 1024x768 - check your documentation (handbook or online) for your specific card!
You can also try removing the init.cfg and saved.cfg from your game-home config-directory - don't delete them though, especially saved.cfg; backups are your friend!
The init.cfg may be holding some outdated information, even when you passed resolution information via the commandline.
Example of what batch-file might look like with dimension arguments:
start bin_win32\ac_client.exe --init -w800 -h600 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5
After running and quitting (sanely, not crashing) AC with the new settings go and compare the two init.cfg's you now have .. what's changed, except OFC the dimension lines ?!?
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(21 Mar 11, 05:46AM)flowtron Wrote: what's changed, except OFC the dimension lines ?!?

Nothing, execpt everything reset when i removed save.cfg. my graphic card is NVIDIA GeForce 2010, i had that bug in 1.0 also, but once you realeasd 1.1 it became good. im in a hope next version it will dissapear
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Yay i fixed it!!!! i changed from 75 hz to 70 and now its very good as it was before, thanks! you can lock this thread now.
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