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Future Of Assault Cube Should Be ...
Graphics : Call Of Duty 4 Mw 2
Weapons: Counter Strike
Maps : Call Of Duty Black Oops First Strike
Characters : Call Of Duty Black Oops First Strike
Blood Like : Splatter House , Left 4 Dead , ( Normal ) Assault Cube .
Fighting Styles : Call Of Duty BlACK Oops
Modes : Zombie Mode - When 1 Team Is A Herd Of Zombies And The Other The Survivors .
Block Off - Its When 1 Team Has To Guard Their Flag And The Other Has to Cap .
Capture The Flag .
Team Death Match .
Death Match .
Team One Shot One Kill .
One Shot One Kill .
Last Swiss Standing .
King Of The Hill .
Team King Of The Hill .
Defend The Flag .

Thats My Dream Assault Cube .

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AC, is fine just the way it is, and I doubt Cube engine is able handle MD2 or B O graphics. Much less a zombie mode.
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CoOk13MoNsT3R Wrote:Graphics : Call Of Duty 4 Mw 2

Call of Duty 4 and Mw 2 aren't the same game. :P

Besides, Elven is right. And why not just play CoD if you want CoD graphics, maps, modes, and characters?
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LOL, just no.
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There is no Santa Claus for AC sry.
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Why do you take this so serious? :D
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(20 Mar 11, 09:28AM)Fate Wrote:
CoOk13MoNsT3R Wrote:Graphics : Call Of Duty 4 Mw 2

Call of Duty 4 and Mw 2 aren't the same game. :P

Besides, Elven is right. And why not just play CoD if you want CoD graphics, maps, modes, and characters?

Well Mr BRANIAC i Cant Because Black Oops Is Different TO Mw2 Sooo Umm Yea And Because I Wasted My Savings On Undisputed :(
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Basically you want CoD. Most people here play AC because it isn't CoD. Assaultcube is fast paced and arcade like.
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Plus, if you want new player models, blood, and maps, you can make them yourself.
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AC is basically Doom
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(20 Mar 11, 10:20AM)CoOk13MoNsT3R Wrote: Well Mr BRANIAC i Cant Because Black Oops Is Different TO Mw2 Sooo Umm Yea And Because I Wasted My Savings On Undisputed :(

I really hope that this is all just one big trolling...
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Get rid of all these restrictions and you can mod yourself a "black ops/modern warfare/ mw2/ l4d2/ AC" - hybrid
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play CoD Black Ops instead
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... or, if your mom thinks that's not a game little kids like you should play, don't demand AC become COD. Kthxbai.
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Trolling Fail thread is TROLLING FAIL

Thank you, have a nice day.

Go play CoD Since you prefer it so much
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(20 Mar 11, 07:23AM)CoOk13MoNsT3R Wrote: Thats My Dream Assault Cube .

Your dream Ac isn't Ac. Ironic?
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So you want every MMOFPS possible, except AssaultCube. GG.
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My AC of the dreams:

1 - nade do 2 kills in LSS
2 - Smg as in previous version
3 - more idiot voicecoms + fire in the hole voicecom
4 - no depot :P
5 - a ladder that includes most servers
6 - the old maps of the MA server *_*
7 - THISISTHENEWSHIT made official
8 - more players, more clans

btw current AC is awesome too
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Quote:2 - Smg as in previous version
try SVN, it's almost
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Call of Duty 4: MW is like 20 dollars nowadays. Go buy it :)
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Well i think ac would improve with some of cod features.
I <3 cod b o zombie mod.

What about another mode with the radar showing enemie shots?

And for the trollers: -1
We can always learn from the success that other games have.
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CoOk13MoNsT3R: So you kinda want to change the whole game into CoD...?
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If AC turned into CoD(with the dated graphics to keep up on crap computers) I'd be happy xD
But its not gonna happen, taking half a year just to balance 5 weapons. It'd never get done and its not meant to be CoD anyways.

and again, CoD 4 MW is like 20 dollars these days and it holds up pretty well against most competitors. (if your computer can handle it)
There is also Battlefield Play4Free, open beta starting April 4th. Its somewhat CoD-ish but with its own style. Free and my computer can handle it without lag(with the right settings)

and Urban Terror has real weapons and looks great(other than the legal speedhacks+super jumping of Quake)
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Dumb idea except a zombie mode would be nice. Does anyone know of a free game that has this zombie mode thing? (for mac)
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(20 Mar 11, 07:27AM)Elven Wrote: AC, is fine just the way it is, and I doubt Cube engine is able handle MD2 or B O graphics. Much less a zombie mode.

The engine has nothing to do with a zombie mode.
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Combat Arms has a couple modes where zombies charge in from all sides of a cabin. You and random other players hold them off for as long as possible.

Counter Strike Online + Combat Arms both have infected zombie modes, where each round randoms turn into zombies then chase around humans. touching them = infects and turns them into zombies. This goes on til time for the round runs out/or a whole team, zombies or humans gets eliminated.

Not sure about other games but yeah...
and if your computer sucks, combat arms is not a good choice.
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I tried BF Play4Free and it sucks. And I blame CoD 5 (awesome game) for ruining everybody's idea of a good video game. I don't want zombies in a non-zombie game.
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(20 Mar 11, 07:23AM)CoOk13MoNsT3R Wrote: Black Oops

is all you needed to say.

(20 Mar 11, 09:46AM)Joe Smith Wrote: There is no Santa Claus for AC sry.

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