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FPS !!
hey all,
i got a problem with my FPS. No matter whatever i do my FPS doesnt exceed 60. it starts fluctuating on 59-60-59-60-61-59-60
if anyone knows what to do..kindly let me know..! :)
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try /vsync 0 and /texreduce 3 if you don't mind making the textures less clear.

If you still counter problems, get a new graphics card.
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<sarcasm>It's because of your hacks.</sarcasm>
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(10 Jul 10, 10:09AM)GOKU007 Wrote: No matter whatever i do my FPS doesnt exceed 60.

it starts fluctuating on 59-60-59-60-61-59-60

Thats right. You fail
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Sounds like vsync is on or you got /maxfps 60
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default for maxfps is 200

well just buy a REAL graphics card (I asume you have got a Nvidia)
or disable vsync :P

the human eye just can see 25-30 fps ...
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i really dont think u need to buy a graphics to play AC in 200fps.just do this /vsync 0 and /texreduce 3,like wolf said
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Sarath: Just a joke; I just hate Nvidia :P
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well,the new GTX480 is great!!!
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the human eye just can see 25-30 fps <-- this is bull. I can see the difference between 30 FPS in AC. 60 FPS in ac. And 200 FPS in ac with my one bad eye. You can tell that it's smoother.
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(10 Jul 10, 06:33PM)Zomg! Wrote: I can see the difference between 30 FPS in AC. 60 FPS in ac.
So do I ;)
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apparently the human eye can see past 200fps, but tbh i cant tell the difference between 60fps and 200fps
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If your fps is still normally above 200, then you can try it out. Type /maxfps 60 and run around, then type /maxfps 200 and run around. You should tell the difference, even though it's tiny.

HINT - Look at the buildings in ac_complex.
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Not really... You can't see more than the refresh rate of your display, which on LCD is 60 to 75 max. More FPS than that means 2+ frames within the same display image, eg shearing type of distortion.

Also, that whisper link above reeks of biased nonsense; in particular, the "claim" towards the end of the article (about pilots seeing an image that was flashed for 1/200th of second) is just crap - that's persistence of vision, ie an image on retina takes a while to fade (around 40-50ms iirc, which is why cinema is happy with 24 fps). I searched for the original article and that guy wrote another one where he makes an even purer BS claim - that LCDs react instantly while phosphors don't. That's just... That's just degenerate. See response time wiki or just ask yourself why all (decent) LCD display specs quote response time.

Playing and watching are not the same thing though - increased responsiveness (lower latency) may well have a perceivable quality, but we're far more sensitive to variance as we can adjust to stable delay within reason. So a better test would be watching the same demo twice with different /maxfps (first few minutes should be enough). And to make sure you're not just practicing your placebo skills, test randomly a few times by putting if (rnd (2)) [maxfps 75] [maxfps 200] in your autoexec.cfg.
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I cant play lower then 200fps. Well i can but its just not as smooth as 200+
I think you need a very sensitive mouve to notice the difference or a good monitor.
I just cant stand LCD monitors for fast gaming.
With a regular 125ms mouse then i dont think you notice much difference btw 100 and 200
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"which is why cinema is happy with 24 fps"

It's not. Cinema has 72fps, using 24 images per second, each shuttered 3 times (and it's not really persistence of vision that makes it smooth).

Read this everyone:


Best article on the subject.

Everyone who can't notice any diffrence between 60 and 200 fps - check your mouse settings and make sure it works properly. See also:

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MakkE hath spoken.
Also: Microsoft generic mouse settings FTW!
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MakkE, that's still effective 24fps, since tripled frames are identical (no new motion is derived or interpolated). As it says on the page you linked to, it is to reduce the flicker:

Quote:You have a fluid film with 24 fps. The film roll has to roll thru the projector. To not see it rolling you have to make the picture black while the film rolls on. You would have to blacken the screen 24 times per second. But 24 black moments are too visible. Thus you have smooth motions but flicker. The solution is: Show each frame 3 times and make the screen black 3 times per frame

And further down:

Quote:The reasons for the results of Test 2 and Test 3 are afterimages. Bright light creates an afterimage in the eye. The same way you see light in your eye seconds AFTER the doctor shined a light into it. This afterlight makes it possible to see what was there seconds ago. The brightness of the afterimage of the cinema canvas produces such afterimages and thus helps the movie to be flickerfree.

Afterimage = persistence of vision.

Just to clarify my point, max fps you see is limited by your display's refresh rate; am not debating the responsiveness of playing at higher fps.
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Gibstick has a list of things to increase your fps.
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texreduce 3          //Reduces texture resolution
trilinear 0          //Disables trilinear filtering
bilinear 0           //Disables bilinear filtering (ugly as hell)
dynlights 0          //Disables dynamic lights
dynshadow 0          //Disables dynamic shadows
minlod 60            //Lower level of detail
vsync 0              //No vertical sync
lighterror 25        //The higher, the faster, the uglier
maxfps 500           //High framerate limit (but it doesn't mean it will go that high)
Keywords: AssaultCube runs slow, AssaultCube freezes, AssaultCube lags, FPS problem, FPS low, AssaultCube sucks, AssaultCube gfx, AssaultCube slow graphics, AssaultCube slow game, AssaultCube unplayble, AssaultCube on old computer
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* V-Man calls a vote: Have Gibstick's generic advice stickied

Have people try it out before we try to solve their problems...
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Should add running in 16-bit mode as well. Only recommended for really old hardware, but can help quite a bit:

/colourbits 16
/depthbits 24
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ok thnx for the replies..!
but i have a 512 mb graphic card Nvidia.
my hardware is not old..and i do have a LCD + a good mouse...!!
the problem is just that my fps doesnt go beyond 60 even if i change it to 200..!!!
even after i type "/maxfps 200" it still shows 60..!!!
and i have already tried changing the settings...!! still it doesnt help..! :P
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You must turn off vsync systemwide. Look into your graphic's card settings. Have you applied the xp refreshfix (in case you use winxp)? If you haven't use this: http://www.pagehosting.co.uk/rf/
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Lmao, who here seriously cares about hot many fps can a human eye see? xD
60fps is extremely sufficient for AC, all you `i cant play AC without my 40inch plasma and 400fps` are silly drama queens imo
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60 fps sufficient ? Yes, as long as you don't know better.

This is not about drama. You just haven't played on a smooth, constant high framerate before, otherwise you would not say this :P
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Ive played on 200 fps.
Now i play on 30.
Learn to deal with it, and learn the paces on maps it drops.
Easy IMO.
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I sometimes play on 20, usually 30 though.
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(16 Jul 10, 02:36AM)DrauL Wrote: Ive played on 200 fps.
Now i play on 30.
Learn to deal with it, and learn the paces on maps it drops.
Easy IMO.
You're insane. Have you even played power? Jesus Christ. Not easy. At all.
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I manage to get a fair amount of flags on power actually. I play it at the hub.
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