Wheres the competitive scene?
I stopped playing for a few months, come back and I see that the Hi-Skill servers and community has dissolved.

What happened?
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The story you seek started three or more years ago... :/
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Hi-Skill was fun, but the real competition is in clan matches and cups.
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That's one part true Panda, but remember not all of us used it as competition.

In my case, I always played there cause because of the nice servers, there were about 3-4 servers (I think?) supporting it made by Drakas and all of them were quite stable; not to mention the 40 ping I got in the HUB.

So simply, the HI-SKILL servers were a guaranteed "no lag game", and that was why I mostly only used to play in them.
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Any chance someone can get their server configs from the HUB? I'd love to purchase a dedicated server and host it on there.

I pinged amazingly to a lot of the Hi-Skill servers.
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We are trying to do something competitive on Leagues of Destruction :) Or at least we are working on it :P
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btraill, Drakas won't send me the server configs. I have offered to host it.
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I believe he hopes to host it again sometime. That is the feeling I get. Otherwise I think we may of heard more about him releasing the software. (I really dont know him well though, so I may be wrong on all counts)
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^ I think RR is onto something *hush*
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some of the players just move to {TyD} Ladder I do, so look in {TyD} Ladder servers for competitive games and yes as Panda say real competition is in clan matches and Tournaments so you better get into a Clan or make one

cya in the game
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