Caps-lock! Grrrr.

is there anyway AT ALL to stop caps lock from acctually locking caps in AC.

my fingers sometimes go all over the place and i will hit capslock. then when i talk to someone, it looks like i'm gramaticly shouting at them.
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Well, you can put duck tape on the caps lock, so you don't accidentally hit it, or you can just be mad :D

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Lol! I do not know why, but also I use to randomly hit the caps-lock...the weird fact is that once pressed, I never randomly press it again to normal state!....Oo
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bind CAPSLOCK [echo "You pressed caps lock!!!!!!!"]
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bind CAPSLOCK [crouch]
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(19 Jan 11, 04:25AM)DES|V-Man Wrote: bind CAPSLOCK [crouch]

if i did this, would that not unbind the the shift crouch?

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No, binds don't work that way.
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(19 Jan 11, 12:50PM)Gibstick Wrote: No, binds don't work that way.

* MykeGregory goes binding his capslock key
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bind CAPSLOCK [echo "/quit"]

It's the only way to learn to control yourself! ;)
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LOOOOOOOOL didn't think of that one.
Reminds me of a certain no-scope training script someone had me help him make... XD
add2alias altaction_5 [alias scopetime (millis); onrelease [if (> (- (millis) $scopetime) 2000) [suicide] []]]
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i tried the binding the capslock as works, but i stay crouched untill its pressed again
i dont want that to happen during a firefight. any ideas?
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Can't you just bind it to "null" so that it does nothing? (I'm not a scripter in any, way shape or form, this is purely a theoretical suggestion).

Either that or bind it to (psuedo-code) AnnoyingBlinkingMarqueeTextFunction("mykegregory is being a tool again and pressing capslock accidentally everybody", OutputToChat);
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i will try that Darkbee. thanks for the suggestion.
i will report back in this post...
* MykeGregory goes scripting...

IF YOU MEANT /BIND CAPSLOCK [NULL]? IT (sorry there we go with the capslock) didnt work
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I don't know what the syntax is, I'm not familiar Cube scripting, but conceptually the idea is sound. I'm sure one of the scripting nerdz here can come up with a solution. I have faith.
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Capslock was always bound to nothing by default - the function itself not handled by AC. No matter what you bind caps lock to, you'll still type in caps. Likewise, there is no way around the "toggle crouch" functionality of the caps lock.

Of course, you can disable your caps lock key entirely (ex. registry tweak on Windows).

To bind caps lock to nothing in AC:
bind CAPSLOCK []
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what is this Registry tweak you speak of?

i honestly NEVER use caps lock. would be handy to know about.
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How to Disable Caps Lock Key in Windows 7 or Vista - How-To Geek
How to Disable the Capslock Key in Windows - wikiHow
I have not tested this and are not responsible if anything goes wrong.

Do make a backup of your registry first.
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it's a software-side of taking a screwdriver and popping out your caps lock key.
Or you could just take a screwdriver and pop out your caps lock key...
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I didn't know capslock worked that way in regards to actions. there have been a couple of occasions where i have wanted a toggle crouch setting. If i understand this correctly, could you bind capslock to the fire command to toggle autofire? I guess that wouldn't be that useful anyway, as none of the guns have clips big enough to make anything like that advantageous at all.

EDIT: Just realized what might be useful: binding it to the jump key for easy bunnyhopping! I just have to see if it works now.
EDIT EDIT: nope. it just jumps whenever i toggle it on. bummer.
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I don't feel like scripting right now, but I would bind the caps lock to play a sound:
Bind CAPSLOCK [ sound "vote called" ; onrelease [ sound "vote failed" ] ]
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bind CAPSLOCK [sound 50; onrelease [sound 52]]
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(22 Jan 11, 04:18PM)DES|V-Man Wrote: non-pseudo-code:-P
bind CAPSLOCK [sound 50; onrelease [sound 52]]

thanks! I couldn't remember the sound numbers, or if that was even right for the matter. (My last reply had been from an iPod touch, so...)
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the vote sound script works really well! thanks guys!
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Now if you just some annoying klaxon sounds to a custom mod folder to replace the existing ones you should be cured of Capslock usage in no time.
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lol. yeah. *AAWOOOOGAAA!!!*
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You could stick a small, solid item underneath the caps lock button to stop you from pressing it down.
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I do stuff like that with Shift when im teabaging,
stupid Sticky keys :(
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(24 Jan 11, 06:12PM)SuperSniper Wrote: I do stuff like that with Shift when im teabaging,
stupid Sticky keys :(

yeah? use the sound script further up in this post. when you here the call vote sound and there is no vote. you know what to do.

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Remove tab and shift with a screwdriver and just stick hot glue under the Caps Lock key (presuming you have a normal desktop keyboard). I did that with the Insert key.
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(19 Jan 11, 03:36PM)DES|V-Man Wrote: LOOOOOOOOL didn't think of that one.
Reminds me of a certain no-scope training script someone had me help him make... XD
add2alias altaction_5 [alias scopetime (millis); onrelease [if (> (- (millis) $scopetime) 2000) [suicide] []]]
Well looky there. That was a nice script you helped me make xD
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