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Eu fico muito triste, Marreira.
Eu me esforcei pra cacete pra eliminar o lixo desse jogo. Mas mesmo tendo eliminado 95% da escória, isso não foi suficiente. Eu percebo que o que te faz parar é justamente esses babacas que eu, tão ativamente, tentei excluir.
Espero que possamos nos cruzar novamente online (pelo menos no msn).
Um forte abraço.
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good luck in real life Marreira it was fun to play with you as N0cu said
"from the time of the servers hanze, maps Ezjemvill, Oldvillage.... Goooooood times!!! We are of a time that the AC belonged to the players"
I remember those times when we were battling it out on those maps and I surely wont forget the time you spent in NoH you are a great player good luck to you :)
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wait Marreira soon we going to create a Latin League more special guests, if you say goodbye say goodbye winning your last tournament o.o
hey Marreira espere alguns momentos que nosotros vamos criar uma Liga Latina mais convidados especiais e OnLy3 serão convidados especiais
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ahh que pena que ellos no participarán en ese campeonato Alex, lamentablemente en este post se han ido 2 grandes jugadores y amigos de esta comunidad, nocu y marreira, supongo q tambien war y coxa... -4
sorry for the spanish ;D
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Yes, Atrimos I left too.
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This is a bad year for AC community.
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Now we cant do 1v1's again ! NO :(
I will miss you soo much man !
GL in RL dude ! Skype me whenever you want me =)
Bye!!!! I love you x]
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Didn't play with you too much, but despite this, I am saddened to see you go. You were one of the most skillful players of AC and I remember back in the day when your name used to be top of HI-SKILL.
Good luck IRL! :)
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:( Why... You will be missed sir, i hope you see the ac light once more some time and come see us :)
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omg so sad :( will miss you :( (surely there is nothing to say to make you change your decision?)
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Bye Bye marreira.
I see too late the post but always be friends I hope you do well you know that you will always
have a Spanish friend who speaks Portuguese and more or less lucky in life, but memories of
those maps ejemzwill, oldvillage and that 1v1 we play always will remember !!!!! meu goodbye
friend. Sempre amigo meu :)
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i'l miss being killed by you, and all of you,
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i wish you the best of luck as you were a diamond in the sea of shit.
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14 Dec 10, 10:21PM
(This post was last modified: 14 Dec 10, 10:34PM by pufig.)
urban terror shit .. because ugly slow move and run(+absurd dyspnea when moving),that not real alternative for ac,but after killing game process 1.0.4 and added mad restrictions to 1.1 (also big thanx to brahma(he was short-sighted),i translated what you wrote in portuguese) game has become boring
merda terror urban .. porque se move devagar feio e executar (+ dispnéia absurda quando em movimento), que não alternativa real para a CA, mas depois de matar processo do jogo 1.0.4 e acrescentou restrições louco para 1.1 (também grande obrigado a brahma (ele era míope), i traduziu o que você escreveu em português) do jogo se tornou chato
merde terror urban .. parce que laide mouvement lent et long (+ dyspnée absurde lors du déplacement), que pas de véritable alternative pour le courant alternatif, mais après avoir tué 1.0.4 processus de jeu et a ajouté des restrictions folle à 1,1 (grand merci également à Brahma (il était myope), i traduit ce que vous avez écrit en portugais) est devenue ennuyeuse jeu
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[quote='pufig' pid='27702' dateline='1292361667']
urban terror shit .. because ugly slow move and run(+absurd dyspnea when moving),that not real alternative for ac,but after killing game process 1.0.4 and added mad restrictions to 1.1 (also big thanx to brahma(he was short-sighted),i translated what you wrote in portuguese) game has become boring
who is playing URT? i am playing that more and more as well...and am looking for tips and friends from ac to talk to there,
sorry if i am a bit off topic
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Always loved your epic smg skillz
later bro :)
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u guys are all lucky cuz truthfully i HAVE ONLY AC to play cuz of my shitty dialup
so :(
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15 Dec 10, 03:40AM
(This post was last modified: 15 Dec 10, 03:45AM by XFA.)
I am no longer playing ac because i enjoy playing it, I am here because of the awesome people that surround the game.
Thanks for the good games Marreira and best of luck in real life :D
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Ciao Marreira
Good Luck for the future
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(10 Dec 10, 09:44PM)kaz Wrote: affz só saem os br bons ... pq nao sai os caras do By3 , Sj, entre outros ....
mais fazer o que neeh ... boa sorte ae na vida de voces ....
sad to see only the good people from br go :/
Kaz como sempre um babaovo idiota e alem de tudo se acha!!! um jogadorzinho noob q nem sei como entrou no TyD
mas fazer o que né!!!!
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Game Over ;/
Good Luck in ur real life man
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Marreira, sera uma grande perda para o jogo.
Vc é um grande amigo e espero que um dia nos encontremos on-line. =)
Boa sorte !
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I wonder if he'll come back to read this, even 3 months later.