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mesh changing
can someone tell which program good to use to change the mesh of ac weopons? i know how to change skins etc.
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Actually, you can't edit them right away, because they're in a format (md3) which consists of individual frames rather than real animation. You'd first need a tool that converts those to skeletal animation, then you can edit them properly.

However, I'd recommend not to change the existing weapons, but rather make your own :)
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You can not convert frame animations to skeletal animations. That simply doesn't work.

Maybe helpful for everybody interested in modelling: Modelling Basics
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Well, who knows. There's vectorization for images, too.
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Vectorization of 2D media is something completetly different, though I get your way of thinking here.

The "problem" with skeleton animation is that each single vertex needs to be attached to one particular bone. As you are not even knowing how those bones are arranged things end up in a theoretically endless amount of differing possibilities and any, no matter how smartly coded, converter-tool could only generate approximations...

Though, while thinking about it, I start wondering whether anyone ever gave it a go. :)
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Extending that idea could make for some entertaining animations.
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