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Zombie Server
What?? Another one??

Actually nothing new but I thought I would bring it to public attention. I have been hosting a modified server that runs a zombie mod. In essence, you spawn as either a human or a zombie and teams start off balanced. Humans get a gun with 10000 bullets and 1hp (Any random player on the human side gets a grenade) and zombies get 480hp and a knife.

I have been testing many numbers to try and get the mode to feel balanced so give me feedback. Currently there is a gun ladder in place and the exact order you get a gun is in the server MOTD. This means you start with arguably the worst AC weapon and work your way up by how many kills you get. This is not the same as unlocking guns, you don't get to choose but you get a better gun with the more kills. If you die, you are forced to the other team to fight for them.

Why do zombies have 480 hp? Because that equals two head shots with a sniper and in a way balanced the rest of the weapons. I have a very basic map rotation so map suggestions would be nice as well. This server is different than my previous servers in that it is script controlled. The server holds up to 14 players and doing a 7v7 on douze is difficult but possible xD

Please give me helpful feedback, otherwise I can't improve.

The name of the server is Hyperblast and you can connect by /modconnect x-ray-dog.dyndns.org 1000. It is hosted as mostly 24/7 so only on a few occasions will it be down.

You can also read http://forum.cubers.net/thread-4336-post...l#pid76522 in correlation to the first public server.
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Is the server that runs illegal maps the same one?
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No it does not run illegal maps, it does run a few older maps and I have fixed a few older maps to make them work but nothing bad that you can access.
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One thing I noticed while playing: though humans can unlock new guns, zombies don't get any stronger than when they first start out. I think the zombies should unlock more health, more speed (if that can be done server side), or both. In fact, it doesn't have to be an unlock thing for the zombies, it could just scale with the kills.
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where is the thanks-button if you need it. :(
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whats an illegal map? Example... dust2?
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well that's cool but is that script illegal some ppl told me that but idk but that's awesome and when is it online every days? 24/7 tall me plz X-Dog i only can play some time's cause now i dont have time but tall me for i try to play in there
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Who needs punctuation or anything.
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everyone need it i guess some ppl say yes
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I packed some zombie maps in my zombie mod X Ray Dog.
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[Image: 21b7hox.jpg]
[Image: xgco5.jpg]
[Image: wtueqw.jpg]

A few screenshots showing the rules and a game on the map apache. Very fun games guys.

As an update I did a little fixing around to keep the teams balanced.

Oh and um... *Bump*
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A bit of an update: Any game you play on the server, you can get your demo from my website: http://xrd.graphox.us/servers/

Hyperblast is the zombie server and from there you will also see my other server which does the same thing. Both servers have information regarding their use/info. So if you are new to zombies or have a friend who might want to play, you can link them to the Hyperblast server info page.

The server isn't always busy but still gets a few games in weekly. The demo listing service is a new feature so please report any bugs you may find as well as any constructive feedback and enjoy the server :)
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I went into the servers and couldn't see any features, does there have to be more than one player or do I need to vote something to make the zombie match start?
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Gun ladder = Shotgun; Carbine; SMG; Assault Rifle; Sniper (Every 15 kills)

akimbo at 85 right? did some cool game but a little laggy :p
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"Special Weapon" :)

Also from my wireless computer to your nearby location:
[Image: 71422489.png]

And from my server computer:

[Image: 71422686.png]

To your location isn't that bad but what can you expect living half way across the world but I assure you I hold at least a decently steady computer internet connection for my servers but peak hours of heavy neighborhood internet usage can also congest things a little.

Oh and yes I know all about download and upload speeds so no worries, I just wanted to show the stability for the most part.
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Can you make make the gun only a bullets from humans have but..the ammo for reloading is 1000 not a bullet....and can u put pistol on it and some random weapon to use
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well I have between 150 and 200 ping so its rather good for me.
I remember some French servers running zombie-mod long time ago but I think they have been banned. There was some cool commands like !jump !nade and many others.
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(29 Oct 12, 06:22AM)ONYX Wrote: Can you make make the gun only a bullets from humans have but..the ammo for reloading is 1000 not a bullet

Currently the reload amount is set to 0 seeing as I don't understand how you would ever run out of ammo.

Quote:....and can u put pistol on it and some random weapon to use

Why would you ever use your pistol when your primary has unlimited ammo and no reloads? As well having a random weapon would be no fun. Earning your weapon gives you motivation to actually play the mod for a full round to see if you can make it to 85 frags in the dedicated 30 minutes.
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(29 Oct 12, 10:27PM)X-Ray_Dog Wrote:
(29 Oct 12, 06:22AM)ONYX Wrote: Can you make make the gun only a bullets from humans have but..the ammo for reloading is 1000 not a bullet

Currently the reload amount is set to 0 seeing as I don't understand how you would ever run out of ammo.

Quote:....and can u put pistol on it and some random weapon to use

Why would you ever use your pistol when your primary has unlimited ammo and no reloads? As well having a random weapon would be no fun. Earning your weapon gives you motivation to actually play the mod for a full round to see if you can make it to 85 frags in the dedicated 30 minutes.

dude..it needs realistic for the human...the ammo is 10000 but the bullet on weapons... well on shotgun 7...how about change to assault riffle so it's 20 and faster shot? but on reloading ammo is 1000? if they running out ammo use a second gun like pistol or akimbo..it will be more realistic.. :D
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As it is, zombies actually have the advantage in game. Have you actually played a game on that server with more than 6 people? It's crazy. Zombies almost always win and the humans don't usually start winning till they earn their automatic class. We don't want to complicate things further for the humans because remember, every zombie is actually 4.8 players worth of whorish health that has to be plowed through and if humans also had to reload with limited ammo, the balancing would be even worse. If anything something should be changed for zombies to weaken them but I feel the health level is adequate and with proper map running techniques, even you can kill a zombie.
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Use the above link to share with others as to explain the game ahead of time. Helps new users not to join and be all discombobulated. As well you can get game demos! Works for my other server too.
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I was playing with my friend in your server, is great for fun.
Good Job.
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New domain: XRD.me

/modconnect XRD.me 1000

Website: http://xrd.me/

Specific server info: http://xrd.me/Servers/HyperBlast/

Demos: http://hyperblast.xrd.me/

So much easier to remember, tell your friends, clan mates, your mom, everyone. The old connect will expire by the end of march. ty
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Sorry, yet another update. I recently purchased a vps and the server was moved over leaving a few days of downtime. However all is back but the port has changed! Zombies is now on port 3000 via xrd.me. It has more available slots now so slaughter to your hearts content. Server is now being hosted in new york so I hope ping remains pretty good and definitely should see no lag froma vps with 50mb down and up, ssd hdd and 3gb ram (No, not all for just a few ac servers).
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Your server drive me crazy ;D is very funny
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