AC Weekend Cup Final Commentary
Want to see professional AssaultCube Gameplay? Here is it. The final of
S!cK vs oNe:
Sry for my bad english, but i wanted that as many people as possible have the chance to listen my video. So i had to do it in english ;D
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"no good assaulcube commentators"

me and undead are truly offended. well done otherwise. Combine your recording ideas and my sexy english skills and you've got something great :D
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kkk lets try if we can do that together
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vid seems great!

'... it is very difficult for me to talk english' nice try :)
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ty that you can understand me :D
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I love your pronunciation of "What the fuck." :D
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"Not no but Now" Was funny to hear that sentence :D
Yeah great vid ;) you tried in english probably a bit hard but still a nice result
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Nice vid! Loved the effect of adding AC's music at the start, nostalgic.
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Pyrus isn't oNe gignu :| hes MyS :P

otherwise very nice
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I liked the slightly broken English and the accent. It made the commentary quite enjoyable.
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nice work!
1 improvement: swap players:)
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tribute to Horus :p great quality btw
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thank you all guys I am soo happy that you enjoy the video :D yea yea yea
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Very good video, nice commentary, and overall appeal! Good job. :)
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professional gameplay in 2v2 boa kkkkkkkk
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The best 2v2 funny game was sepehr vermi vs us :D
nice video gignu :-)
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thanks all, I will try to produce more nice videos :)
Perhaps I will make a series "how to become pro in assaultcube?". But first I have to improve, so that I can play in a final myself :D
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"no good commentators"

You didn't ask me!
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Yea, i meant that there are no good gameplay commentators on youtube ;D
But why not making the next video together :)
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