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{CE} gets sponsor!
Hey everyone. Just like to inform you that Complete Extermination has now got a sponsor. My grandfather who owns Alfa Motorsport Fibreglass said he'll sponsor the {CE} Clan.

He won't give away money to us or such, he'll just support the gaming of the clan.

Thanks. :)
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Good Luck with your clan :D
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Uhhh... LoL?
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dude wat
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I'm just saying that my grandfather owns a company and has sponsored {CE} in support of it.
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rofl, nice one. gl :)
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my momma sponsors all my snipers xD,
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isn't it spamm for google pagerank ??
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What is that? O.o
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i am of happy that you had found sponser in a most roubled economic time.
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Hahaha, thanks Musicman. :)
Long time no see by the way. :P

Bit unusual for a clan to get a sponsor, but hey, probably a first.
I made AC History, I think, maybe, probably not, no ...
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What exactly does this do..
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you are a gaming clan/community, right?
what is Alfa Motorsport Fibreglass going to do for your clan..show its support..how?

im sponsored by joe blows groceries.. FTW
jealous right? :|
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This thread didn't really need to be created.
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Woooot nice job on sponsor
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lul so you're basically saying you got your grandfather to say he likes the clan? gg.
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well if you got a sponsor, I think we'll see 3 * 20 slots {CE} servers on AC soon ! :D
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Firstly, I never thought the topic would go that far. I just wanted to say that the clan got a sponsor and basically it's never really happened before in AC.

Secondly, he supports {CE} by basically ... umm ... he wants to see the clan become successful in the long run if you know what I mean. He has his full support for me.

@ Luc@s, sadly, no one seems to be able to set up servers these days. I've tried but my port multiplies and no one knows how to fix it.
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On a serious note, if you actually get sponsored (ie. get money) you really could get the money to run, say, a VPS? :D
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gl with your clan

you´re not the first AC clan with a sponsor, SBG also has got one
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Well, VPS is a bit too technical for me to handle.

Thanks, arkefiende. Didn't know SBG had a sponsor, eh, easy come easy go.
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IS he going to give you money!?
Or just be behind you screaming?!
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Exile Unit has three sponsors. ARK, AKD-International and a small shop in Warsaw, Poland.
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That's right, and #RAA# was formerly sponsored by Happy Days Nursery/Preschool, and London Underground.
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Hahaha, so your grandfather is supporting you by saying he supports you? Sounds kinda just like family love to me, I like how you think its going to make your clan better...its not like your a pro/semi-pro sports team or something. Having your grandfathers logo on your clans site would be pointless. So what is he actually doing to support you? Have you guys even got a site or IRC going?

I don't see the point to this, I could say that my 91 year old grandfather supports BC, but whats that going to actually do for us? He has a lot of money and has owned his own companies before, but unless he is actually giving your organization/clan currency or loaning a website space to you hes not really doing jack shit. I can't think of anything that an actual company could/would do for a non-professional, very small gaming clan in a game like this..

Either way good luck I guess. Seems like your clan is doomed like all the others that start off with such ambitions and never actually get anywhere. In my AC "career" I have seen literally hundreds of clans start off, with 1 or 2 members. They get a bad looking website which nobody ends up using then they let some more new players in without any requirements. Most very new to AC, and lower skilled and most likely aren't going to stay playing AC for long. They put on the tag and sometimes see other clan members on..but other than in-game have no way of communicating to them. More than half of the clan members don't know the website or most of the other members names and not even close to having any relationship with any of them. Then all the members eventually get bored with AC and forget about your clan. Then without anyone knowing your clan dies more quietly than it began.

Lighting, Exile Unit..is that another AC clan? How do these sponsors actually support this clan, what do they do for them? Also could you tell us a little about ARK, AKD-International? What kinda companies are those? What is there source of income? Workforce? Networth?
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BC is now being supported by Barclays Bank
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