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Social media stuff

Can everyone let me know if this works OK, or if it looks weird, or the links don't work, etc.

[Image: jMjw4.png]

It's on http://assault.cubers.net/ (front page). I can add it to others later, if required.
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For me, all of them appear except the Facebook one.
All it says is Facebook (without the icon and 2.4k).
But other than that, nicely done :).
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Google Chrome Version 21.0.1180.89

May I suggest http://browsershots.org/ as long as you can pick out the errors it makes (usually not with rendering the html, just not waiting for the page to load fully), you can see what it looks like in different browsers.
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Works fine in Opera, Firefox and in Webkit-based browsers (at least in Chromium and Epiphany), except for the Facebook thing, which doesn't work in Chromium, but does work everywhere else.

@RR: weird. I have Version 21.0.1180.89 as well.

(08 Sep 12, 09:55PM)Ronald_Reagan Wrote: May I suggest http://browsershots.org/ as long as you can pick out the errors it makes (usually not with rendering the html, just not waiting for the page to load fully), you can see what it looks like in different browsers.
Or just install a few different browsers ;)
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I prefer to number of redundant applications on my computer minimal :3
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I can't user browser shots, someone just did today :/

Thanks :P
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Liked! :)
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You might want to delete Orkut... I'm pretty sure everyone's moved on to Facebook.
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(09 Sep 12, 01:30AM)Misty Wrote: You might want to delete Orkut... I'm pretty sure everyone's moved on to Facebook.

I would be happy to do so, however, I thought Orkut was hugely popular with the Brazillian community (hence, the only reason I added it)?
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Apparently social media is more important than fixing the game. While you're at it, I'd replace google +1 with an actual g+ page, if I were you. IMO, it influences page rank / search engine position more than +1 thing. In any case SEO is a tricky business, good luck.
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(09 Sep 12, 11:28AM)SKB Wrote: Apparently social media is more important than fixing the game.
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important things are getting done ! Good job keep it up.
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I'm not saying they're making progress on the game or not, but just because they add a social media widget doesn't mean they're not working on the game itself.
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Did a clean reload, resolved my issue. I wasn't aware that I need to do a clean reload.

Sorry for my mistake.
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Grenades need a fix, shotgun needs a fix, and the graphics suck like a granny's teet. If it ain't broken don't fix it? Ring a bell? Yeah... I've been repping AC wherever and whenever I can from the beginning, and I have no probs bringing it to Facebook and all that other social media stuff... only problem is I want to rep a game WORTH repping... Quit the kneejerk reactions and listen to the people who actually play it, not just the mods / mappers / contributors / Jg99s / who couldn't tell an assault rifle from a squirtgun.
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To everyone: I don't give 2 craps about social media, but the fact is, that it doesn't take me long to whip up a little box to put on the website.

I did it as a gift, because others like it. For those who question my priorities:

[Image: 2fingeredsalute.jpg]
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