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Welcome X-Ray_Dog
Another guy joined in our ranks, not as a developer, but more likely to get his his hands on the Wiki we run. This is unfortunately something we lost our focus of. That´s why I am happy to announce that X-Ray_Dog will join our team to spend some time with filling the Wiki with content and lead the administration of it.
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Congrats, X-Ray!
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(13 Aug 12, 12:28AM)ärkefiende Wrote: Another guy joined in our ranks, not as a developer, but more likely to get his his hands on the Wiki we run. This is unfortunately something we lost our focus of. That´s why I am happy to announce that X-Ray_Dog will join our team to spend some time with filling the Wiki with content and lead the administration of it.

That is very great, congrats X-Ray_Dog
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Congrats, you'll do well.
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I wont believe it until this is updated.
(jk jk)
Congratulations friend, Id love to feed you content, but Im not sure what would make the cut...
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good job x-ray :3
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Wow... there's only one thing I can think of to say and that is simply thank you to everyone and especially you ärkefiende!
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We have a wiki? :D
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Good luck X-Ray_Dog!
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(13 Aug 12, 04:02AM)Felix-The-Ghost Wrote: We have a wiki? :D

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He put the :D because he was happy to ask?
GJ XRD. Don't mess up :>.
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V63, V41 and V... lets say, V14.. sort of.
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Nice one, you've deserved this for a while now.
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You're now the community's link to the progress of the next version, XRD
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(13 Aug 12, 02:44AM)paulmuaddibKA Wrote: I wont believe it until this is updated.


Quote:Congratulations friend, Id love to feed you content, but Im not sure what would make the cut...

Send me anything and I will be more than willing to give it a look over.
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Congratz X-Ray Dog :D
Edit: http://wiki.cubers.net/a/v/Special:Log?l...onth=&year=
Wiki is having user sign-up spam. Could and image verification or something?
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(24 Aug 12, 01:08PM)D1551D3N7 Wrote: Edit: http://wiki.cubers.net/a/v/Special:Log?l...onth=&year=
Wiki is having user sign-up spam. Could and image verification or something?

We actually started working on this a week ago. Gotta get the wiki upgraded to its latest software first.
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Ok cool :)
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wrong place to post that. make your own thread :p
btw gj XRD

//XRD edit: I fixed yer problem here :)
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Wiki has been upgraded (still a bit buggy though) ;)
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Congrats X-Ray_Dog! :D
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Dont go pooping on the assaultcarpet. Congrats, puppy
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Congrats to my good friend XRD!
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I still see sign up spam on ac wiki
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This is a bit late, but gz X-Ray_Dog. :)
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dont bolt from the job puppy

good luck my amigo
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(29 Aug 12, 06:03PM)Cemer Wrote: dont bolt from the job puppy

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what is UNIQ150bb6dd45f93866-css-00000000-QINU ?

under the words Main Page on the main page.
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