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Weather in AC
(31 May 11, 03:19PM)Fate Wrote: As long as this can run on pre-historic hardware I'm fine.

as long as it can run on my medion akoya netbook im fine. it'd be the most irratating thing for me to no longer be able to play ac because of an idea I myself came up with.

I also agree that it would be nice for it to be snowing on ac_snow, ac_arctic and the like because it seems so coincidental that on all the snow covered maps it just happens not to be snowing.
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(31 May 11, 12:26PM)vern Wrote: Tell me the engine doesn't strain on ac_shine? Or ac_werk? I guess it doesn't cause some know it all said so.

^^^^^^^^ Read carefully!!!

None of these ideas need to be a mandatory feature or even toggled by default.

ac_shine and ac_werk straining the engine is the mappers' faults. They both feature long open spaces and ac_shine uses that platform mapmodel for a bridge.
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... *cough*douze*cough*
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As for making the effects mandatory/player controlled, I say that as long as fog can be controlled by the player, the weather (if it ever comes) should be too. That said, I believe that fog should be controlled solely by the map's cfg file. Yes, it will be abused, but everything has potential for abuse. When used correctly, this could be good.
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Well, I'm certainly liking this idea. If AC engine can handle this and there is a practical way of doing this without too much hassle I think this would be a fun idea. But! After all, as you may even guess, particles will block the field of view making it harder to play and might get annoying at times. So while this is a fun idea, I think it will not get much attention if relased. It'll just played with for a while and then everyone will just go /weather 0.
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(02 Jun 11, 07:29AM)PolarHedgehog Wrote: I think this would be a fun idea. But! After all, as you may even guess, particles will block the field of view making it harder to play and might get annoying at times.

On other games they don't block the field of view, but nevertheless if a snowflake or raindrop was block someone's vision of something it would have to be something very small that is in the distance. I can see how that would be a problem on riflecamper for example but I imagine on maps with more reasonable sized spaces you'd still see everything
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Visibility would depend a lot on the type/density/intensity of the weather which should also be tweak-able via variables I suppose. I'd like to play around with a prototype anyways, F1. :)
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I want some weather!
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Snow and rain @animated mapmodels but...
...mapmodels can stop bullets.

[Image: no-fun.jpg]
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they couldn't on cla_execution. well they could but they couldn't if that makes any sense
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I really doubt if implemented, that these would be models @ ExodusS. ;)
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Are bullets blocked by the polygons or by some bounding box formed by the extremes of each dimension of the model? If they're blocked by the polygons the odds of a bullet being blocked are slim but the possibility is there I suppose. Unless polygons must be a x or larger to block.
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Bullets are blocked by visuals. So if you see it, you cant shoot through it.
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Be careful with your wording there, fog is a visual, and you can shoot through it just fine. :)
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Just like flags, armors should be made of these things.

On topic. Would the snow kill fps, like trees?
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Depends on the way it would be applied, most likely not.
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I am sure they wouldn't add it if it had a major effect on fps (or more importantly, the ability of your computer to run AC)
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The particle engine is already included... O.o
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AC already has a partical engine much like Sauers. Not surprising considering they have the same roots. Cube2 has a fair amount of borrowed code from Cube1.

I doubt it would be too hard to add snow or rain in :P
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That Idea sounds good
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we need more sky maps
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(04 Jun 11, 01:12PM)[PSY]Legend Wrote: That Idea sounds good

You win for what is probably the most broad post I've ever seen on these forums.

EDIT: You also win for having a name that f***s with BBcode. GG
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(31 May 11, 03:55PM)Andrez Wrote:
(31 May 11, 03:19PM)Fate Wrote: As long as this can run on pre-historic hardware I'm fine.

Same here. It would be nice to see some snow in ac_arctic :D

Snow in ac_snow first. Then, we can get to arctic.
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I would love to see weather effects, it might play havoc with scoping snipers although would that be a bad thing?
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A simple snowfall that doesn't eat fps for dinner would be amazing.
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The weather for ac_sunset:
pretty windy: red arrows
raining and snowing
sunsets on the right

[Image: os5un9.jpg]
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Anvil, /mapshot |;D
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But it still looks neat and like as if it was from real weather forcasts! :D
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(12 Jun 11, 05:47PM)Cemer Wrote:
(31 May 11, 03:55PM)Andrez Wrote:
(31 May 11, 03:19PM)Fate Wrote: As long as this can run on pre-historic hardware I'm fine.

Same here. It would be nice to see some snow in ac_arctic :D

Snow in ac_snow first. Then, we can get to arctic.

Ought to put some desert in ac_desert, too.
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You could have a sandstorm! :P
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