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Sorry if this is the wrong section, but this guy(SALEM) has been a complete ass, tking,spamming, hampering, and what ever he feels like doing on purpose, of course. I just want to see if anyone else has run into him and take it from there, such as DL'ing demos or SS's. Quite a few peeps in game said he has been reported and that he may use proxys; I dont know how credible that is, but from his attitude I have to believe it.

Sorry to bitch about this jerk, but he makes the game less fun when he is on the map. I'm sure he is a troll so he may read this and I see it getting worse so what do I DO???
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Finally someone who agree with me...Finally
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yep, He is pretty annoying
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Best thing you can do? Ignore him.

Don't feed the troll, and if you follow this advice, they die.

Either that, or they find another bridge to live under.
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(10 May 11, 10:26PM)Mai Mee Tur Wrote: Don't feed the troll, a

Starve him to death hmmm ,I like that I. did feed him earlier, but I' ll take his foodstamp card now
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Jus ignore him /ignore cn and that's it you dont need to deal with him, get his ip and report him, it's the best that you can do.
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If he's really trolling you out / getting creepy and tk-ing spamming weirs shit etc. get some proof (logs, demos, screenshots) etc. and post on the BL thread for the consideration of Server owners.
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(11 May 11, 01:24AM)Viper Wrote: If he's really trolling you out / getting creepy and tk-ing spamming weirs shit etc. get some proof (logs, demos, screenshots) etc. and post on the BL thread for the consideration of Server owners.

Thanks peeps, great advice all around:} I really appreciate it
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he's a prick.
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Look We play 1vs1 , i pwn him , he ragequits and wanders around spamming i just get off pwning Infern0..Guys see the screens and spams : " Wow you are good in photoshop " ..When they see demo , he says " Wow You edit demos ,too "

What a dumb lol
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He tk's lol, he also says "WAT" every time he dies and spams chat and should really go away.
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To put it nicely, this guy is an all around pain, needs a nice blacklisting.
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i had bl him in some servers..But i dont know how he can still play ..LOL
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Ah yes, that guy is very annoying!
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TKing is against the public sensibilities. Get proof and his IP and post it in the blacklist thread. If, as your peeps have reported to you, he's already been reported, contacting actual, individual server owners to complain will do a lot both to prompt them to action and/or (in the case of a reticent server owner) show you which servers you don't really like after all.

As for proxies, I don't know of any servers that accept proxy connections (as such).
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He's cute. :D Just ignore him or have fun trolling him, you choose it.
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From what I can remember, CharlyMurphie kept calling me names (for who knows what reason) until I finally responded after he started TK-ing me. When someone tries to TK you the least that you can do is try to defend yourself, which resulted in me getting kicked and/or banned.


So what if I don't get along with every player on Assault Cube? I don't think that people should be blacklisted unless they hack or cheat which I have never done so un-blacklist me.
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if you do not want to be on the blacklist, dedicate to play do not bother the other you're not spammers or anything I myself have seen are a crabs eh we do not do anything in life if not to disturb others, to see CharlieMurphie doing a post on what these should be brought out of their boxes so that my server does not remove so I'll stop bothering the players who just play
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No offense but I have no idea what you just said.
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tl;dr: STFU and play like everyone else does.
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Ive played with the dude once and i think he was kool and chill to talk to
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The problem with players like you SALEM is that you don't know when to talk and when to act. Tbh it seems like you have been an overall nuisance to the people you have played with. I won't put you on my BL personally since there is no proof you have done something terrible, but I would probably kick you if I was in a server with you.

You want some respect? Try to be contructive with your chat comments and paly nicely.

P.s. perros doesn't speak great english but he's at least trying to help you.
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So SALEM, nothing to say about our little depot encounter? I do have the demo :D
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(11 May 11, 07:42PM)SALEM Wrote: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=wat
What does this have to do with anything?

(11 May 11, 07:42PM)SALEM Wrote: So what if I don't get along with every player on Assault Cube?
You don't get along with any players on AssaultCube.

(11 May 11, 07:42PM)SALEM Wrote: I don't think that people should be blacklisted unless they hack or cheat which I have never done so un-blacklist me.
No, you haven't, although, you Spam everytime you get a kill, saying "Pwnt", or "WUT", and Everytime you die you accuse someone of hacking (Exaggeration), and/or call them a noob, or fag, or any other of the various insults that you come up with

In My Opinion, You need to "Nut up, AND Shut up."
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[Image: 20110511195608acsunsetc.jpg]

I laughed he continued to do some of the things people were referring to in this thread, as soon as i saw him on ac.
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I am very proud of you ;D
And yes this kid has been an overall nuisance - His behavior I believe cost him his place at KH.....
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KH kicked him out just for trolling? Doesn't make sense.
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i think even KH has their limits on trolling..then again I may be wrong :D
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(11 May 11, 09:31PM)titiPT Wrote: So SALEM, nothing to say about our little depot encounter? I do have the demo :D

No idea who you are, or what you're talking about.
In reply to Duckett: The link explains what "wat" means. I've gotten along with plenty of people, or I wouldn't have been in over 5 clans in the 3 years or so that I've been playing. I only say "pwnt" when I pwn someone which is different than simply just killing them. I've never typed "wut" and hardly ever sincerely accuse people of hacking although I say "hax" jokingly from time to time. I never call people "noobs" or "fags", but will jokingly use the terms "nubs" and "gays" to poke fun at the insults you mentioned actually. I very rarely ever name call though, anyway.
(11 May 11, 10:18PM)Mr.OpTic Wrote: [Image: 20110511195608acsunsetc.jpg]

I laughed he continued to do some of the things people were referring to in this thread, as soon as i saw him on ac.

This vote was initiated after he repeatedly attempted to insult me in chat, which is why he was kicked. Ever since this thread was made, I've encountered numerous problems like this which goes to show how stupid most of the people who play AC are.
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But you still teamkill O.o

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