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It is time for the launch of Instinct. We are a new clan in Assault Cube and strive to compete in the diverse competitive zone of AC, whilst remaining fair, strong and fun. We are ready for challenges. Losses
make us better, wins just quench our thirst. We have a strict policy of fairness, we will not accept cheaters, hackers or generally blacklisted player for a good reason. Watch out for us.
TeamSpeak3: Find us on w00p/rC/BoB/FD/MyS/AOD teamspeak
Tag: 1st| |1st |1st|
Proud leader and founder of Instinct
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I love the name. GL :D
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Thanks, you know where I *took* this name from... ;)
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Any website in the making? Very sneakily concealed lol.

GL with the clan.
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Haha. Thanks ShadowFlameZ :D
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Thanks! :D
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A new clan! Expect to get fragged!
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Hm, we will see :)
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(23 Mar 13, 10:15PM)Artemis Wrote: Hm, we will see :)

:D don't worry be happy :p
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Your website makes me think that you are playing some shit MMORPG or smt.
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It does, I will spend more time on it later. x)
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Forum looks gay...

Lol jk

Gl ;)
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Call the psychologist... gl hf guys
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@Undead ?
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Might wanna make your forums a little more secure?
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Thanks! Does not really reveal much, but I'm working on fixing this weird bug?

Should be fixed now. Also applications open! Feel free to apply.
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I made a few changes to the site. What do you think?
I'm new to all this, so don't expect zomglolwtf so good. ;)
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Well the header is way too big imo...
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I actually did that on purpose, for a few reasons.
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Homosexuals can't join?
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(25 Mar 13, 02:09AM)#M|A#Wolf Wrote: Homosexuals can't join?

Sorry but i'm in a clan D:
I'm a elite hetero
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that never plays.

gl hf artemis
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Gl & Hf!
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Thanks Waffles/Nut's.
Also, Hetero in this case is used as Manly.
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After some worrying confusion, I decided to change the name. Please welcome Instinct. :)
Website updated!
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LOOOL why? :D
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(25 Mar 13, 06:26PM)DarKnight Wrote: @Artemis
LOOOL why? :D

now homosexuals can apply too, and that group of people is the majority that wants to join his clan but were afraid of the name.

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Your clan failed then, lol 1 day lasts your clan... An AC guiness record?
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