AKIMBO is Dead! Long Live AKIMBO...
We have kept it kinda secret but the time has now come to introduce you to the brand new AKIMBO.

All the categories are still there, The Armory, Maps, Mapmodels, Mods aso, it is now also a lot more users friendly.

The new AKIMBO has a plus! The Auto-Download...
You will be able to download missing custom content (maps, mapmodels, textures and skymap)straight from the game. More infos here

All archives from the previous AKIMBO aren't yet uploaded, we are first making sure all materials are well packaged for all of you to download and eventually get validation for Auto-Download.

So we now invite you all to come register and start browsing through, we hope you enjoy it.

The AKIMBO Staff.
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You finally made it public <3
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Hey ho! Excellent work!
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Well done, Cleaner :)

Fulfilling your name by cleaning up Akimbo (ba dum tss)
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looks smooth :D
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Nice. I hope I can actually register on this one, because I couldn't before.

Edit: I can register, nice site.
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Wow, this looks amazing. Nice work :D
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I'm not the only one to cheer for it, Lucas, Bukz, Andrez... List of team soon be available
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(15 Mar 13, 09:53PM)DES|Cleaner Wrote: I'm not the only one to cheer for it, Lucas, Bukz, Andrez, PhaNtom... List of team soon be available

Isn't that what you meant to say (see bold)? ;)
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and RVSF turn Green for, spoiler alert!
Looks nice, autodownload seems cool if it works :3

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Good Job.
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Looking familiar, I thought my browser wouldn't switch tabs lol.
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:') looks great.
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In the package options, I'm getting two options that say "1.2".

EDIT: oyeah, it's great. I'm guessing that all those uploading glitches are gone now.
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Great job putting this all together Cleaner and Luc@s. :)
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So all old stuff is deleted and we have to re-register, correct?
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(16 Mar 13, 02:14PM)Nightmare Wrote: So all old stuff is deleted?
(15 Mar 13, 08:38PM)DES|Cleaner Wrote: All archives from the previous AKIMBO aren't yet uploaded, we are first making sure all materials are well packaged for all of you to download and eventually get validation for Auto-Download.
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I coincidently found the new akimbo site by accident using google about an hour before you posted.
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(16 Mar 13, 02:27PM)PhaNtom Wrote: I coincidently found the new akimbo site by accident using google about an hour before you posted.
You win a cookie.
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(16 Mar 13, 08:38PM)#M|A#Wolf Wrote: You win a cookie.

Lame humor is lame.
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(16 Mar 13, 08:41PM)PhaNtom Wrote:
(16 Mar 13, 08:38PM)#M|A#Wolf Wrote: You win a cookie.

Lame humor is lame.
I found it quite funny actually :p

And to answer some questions from above...

The old AKIMBO is still on, some people not aware of the new site are still uploading on it, no need to worry every single item of material is stored and will be uploaded on the new site once checked.

Yes you need to re-register, a simple classic formality.
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The new AKIMBO website is cool, but i love more the old one ;)
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(17 Mar 13, 01:27AM)DarKnight Wrote: The new AKIMBO website is cool, but i love more the old one ;)
And why is that?
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(16 Mar 13, 07:52AM)Orynge Wrote: In the package options, I'm getting two options that say "1.2".

yep, i fixed it yesterday, but you could submit things anyway, it wouldn't have caused any issue ;)
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Looks great! Has a nice familiar feeling, yet at the same time has it's own zingy twist. Great job (team)!
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Wow, nice work Cleaner and great job to everyone who's worked on this AKIMBO project, it's really nice to see :)
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Thanks again folks.

It may not look like it but there is a lot of work behind it we are currently looking for Staff to give us a helping hand.

There is all sorts of stuff to do, re-upload all archives (roughly 900 files left), throughout packaging checks, maps tests and so on...

So... If you feel like it just drop me a pm with some shorts infos about your fields of knowledge in AC, what you think you can do to help.

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I prefer AKIMBO old version, but the newest version is insane!
Cleaner! The old version will be alive foverer? :D
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Negative, it will slowly drown under the flood of spambots, you might as well consider it as deceased from now on.
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