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New Clan - E$C
Hey everybody!

Just announcing the arrival of a new clan. This will most likely be that last clan I ever create. If it fails, no more clan making :)

E$C means Elite $niper Coalition. The website can be found at http://esc-clan.forumclan.com or http://esc-clan.tk.

Also, find our gamesurge (irc.gamesurge.net) channel at #esc-clan.

The clan was started by me and Exie. Both of us lead.

Expect to be fragged by us VERY soon.

Thanks, and happy fraggin',
PhaNtom (Hell|E$C|apee)
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Good luck with the clan.
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lol gl
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(04 Mar 13, 02:58AM)DarKnight Wrote: lol gl

What's the "lol" for? :)
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(04 Mar 13, 06:07PM)PhaNtom Wrote:
(04 Mar 13, 02:58AM)DarKnight Wrote: lol gl

What's the "lol" for? :)

laughing out loud
(bad troll ikr :p)


gl with the clan
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Just like =SA=, this meme...
[Image: 35672612.jpg]

Good luck, have fun, CM us everyday for hardcore training.
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(04 Mar 13, 06:43PM)Nightmare Wrote: Just like =SA=, this meme...
[Image: 35672612.jpg]

Two things:
  1. The name is somewhat misleading, we are not a TOSOK clan.
  2. Any similarities between E$C and =SA= are purely coincidental. Any semblance to =SA= members, living or dead, is purely coincidental. ;)

(04 Mar 13, 06:43PM)Nightmare Wrote: Good luck, have fun, CM us everyday for hardcore training.

Haha, since when was B} good...

lol jk

We'll own B} ASAP ;)
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honorary B} gonna start playing for them just to smack down the newcomers :D
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(04 Mar 13, 04:05PM)Xenon Wrote: The game at the moment is lacking competitive play because they're is no mid level teams. I don't mean to be rude to teams like B}, Hype but you guys are the stepping stones between the top level teams and the pub players. We need teams like B} to start playing games, to recruit players that want to play in a competitive environment!

Let's take an active FPS at the moment, Counter Strike:GO. Every player has the aspirations to become very good in this game, to get into the top teams like Na'Vi, NiP, VG etc. But to do that you have to progress from pubs into the low skill teams and slowly go up in skill until you get into the teams previously mentioned. Teams like B}, Hype and aK are perfect teams which can do this, but at this moment they are just not playing enough clans to become increasingly better players.

Let's be honest, the top teams will always play in tournaments and keep the game active, but if they have no new players and teams to play, what's the point in continuously playing the game? :P The top players as of right now were once just as bad as the average pub player you see in game at the moment, but we all slowly got better and used the stepping stone clans to get better and better and finally become pros at the game.

Just a few examples include; xenon (TgS) vanquish (aG) waffles (SA) jason (epic) larry (epic) kchub (Xu) Harrek (BC) Sepehr (BC) undead (DES)

I just feel the game is lacking at the moment because the top teams will always be around to play the tournaments etc, but why not make some tournaments with I guess some sort of skill cap? Have some leagues where teams like Hype, aK, B}, SA, even some of the FD lower members (their team is split into sections) could play in this league and in general make the game and new players become better, stronger and eventually be able to compete with the top players in AC which is exactly what we need. It's not the game that's drawing us players away at the moment, it's the fact we always have to play the same players (ask top teams for confirmation on this).
Do this please, play CM's!
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Meme is showing irony in putting sniper in name then using other weapons <3
I'm up for daily matches to improve both of us, just gotta get good times. :3
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(05 Mar 13, 12:01AM)Nightmare Wrote: Meme is showing irony in putting sniper in name then using other weapons <3
I'm up for daily matches to improve both of us, just gotta get good times. :3

It'll only improve you ;)

E$C is gonna own B} ;) ;) ;)
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I went to visit your clan's page, and couldn't help noticing that you've only posted 1 match against my clan [ED], wich is a win for you, but correct me if I'm wrong, didn't we played a match against you, I mean, me and sexoloco?, c'mon guys, don't make me post it myself.
Anyway, don't take it as an attack, and good luck with your clan.-
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(05 Mar 13, 01:24AM)hgf-arg Wrote: I went to visit your clan's page, and couldn't help noticing that you've only posted 1 match against my clan [ED], wich is a win for you, but correct me if I'm wrong, didn't we played a match against you, I mean, me and sexoloco?, c'mon guys, don't make me post it myself.
Anyway, don't take it as an attack, and good luck with your clan.-

Yes, I am going to post the screenshots of our losses as well. I completely forgot to post that match.

Edit: I posted it. Nobody look! ;)
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hahaha is very hard to make me join ur clan my friend.
about the lol, i was kidding, if you really know me, well you know that i love writing something foolish right? Or im wrong? Whatever, lets see if you can make me a E$C member ;)

hmmm im thinking about a yes... Hmm
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Well if you are going to force me into letting you into E$C...
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(05 Mar 13, 03:07AM)PhaNtom Wrote: Well if you are going to force me into letting you into E$C...

well dude, i say yes ;) i join the clan
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Congratulations, Wild DarKnight was caught!

>Joins a clan.
>Goes offline "for a time"


Come back DarKnight :(
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GL Mate :)
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thanks guys, i promise come back and show any tactics, im the wildest player kk, in adition, any type of game with me will be epic, but im a hard player to make me join any clan... Don't worry guys i will come back in few weeks
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GL with your school, DarKnight.

And thanks for applying :)
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np bro, you will see me soon
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(05 Mar 13, 01:24AM)hgf-arg Wrote: ...didn't we played a match against you, I mean, me and sexoloco?, c'mon guys, don't make me post it myself.
Anyway, don't take it as an attack, and good luck with your clan.-
I remembered that when i was in #DrP|, i asked you a 2 vs 2... 3 vs 3... But you and one of your mates said "no" , so what the hell is wrong? Afraid or you don't want a match?
Attack, critize... whatever, is the same stuff :p
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^Clans have the freedom to choose whether or not to CM, but if you do CM, don't just post your wins to glorify yourselves and inflate your egos, be humble enough to post losses as well.
That's what HGF is saying.
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Thank you, know i understand!
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you guys have a good cs team, http://www.escgaming.de/
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Not bad!
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Why naming your clan after a keyboard key?

GL/HF ;)
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(23 Mar 13, 03:43PM)Andrez Wrote: Why naming your clan after a keyboard key?
What you mean my dear friend?
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The escape key
[Image: 394277_escape_key.jpg]
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