how to play custom maps?
I've figured out how to edit levels, set spawn points, save them, etc, but how can I play a map that I've created? I'm only looking to play them in single player, with bots. How can I do this? They don't show up in my map list for single player once I create and save them. Thanks!
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If you haven't added bot waypoints, loading your map in a bot mode will do so for you (flood the entire map with them, not very precise). Just type
/mode 8; map (mapnamehere)
Mode 8 is for bot deathmatch, you can lookup the other modes on the wiki.
Then you can /addbot
Edit: moved to help forum
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Your map doesn't show up in your single-player map list because it is not official (and therefore not included in the default map cfg file).
You can select the option "Show all maps..." in the single-player menu and it will search your packages\maps directory and (if your map is saved there) display it from that menu.
If you want to make it easier to have a bot game with it, add the name of your map (making sure it's in the packages\maps folder) to alias defaultmaps:
(menus.cfg, line 32)
newmenu maps
// Add maps to the below list to include them in the normal map menu (also for botmaps).
// Don't add ac_depot_classic to the maps list.
alias defaultmaps "ac_aqueous ac_arabian ac_arctic ac_arid ac_complex ac_depot ac_desert ac_desert2 ac_desert3 ac_douze ac_elevation ac_gothic ac_iceroad ac_ingress ac_keller ac_mines ac_outpost ac_power ac_rattrap ac_scaffold ac_shine ac_snow ac_sunset ac_toxic ac_urban ac_werk"
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